Prepared to accompany Theories of Personality (5th ed.) by Susan C. Cloninger (2008), published by Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Theories of Personality Power Point Presentation by Avidan Milevsky, Ph.D. Touro College South This presentation copyright Susan C. Cloninger. Some images are from "Holy Cow! 250,000 Graphics," by Macmillan Digital Publishing USA.
Prepared to accompany Theories of Personality (5th ed.) by Susan C. Cloninger (2008), published by Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. CHAPTER TWO Freud: Classical Psychoanalysis
Prepared to accompany Theories of Personality (5th ed.) by Susan C. Cloninger (2008), published by Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Chapter Overview The Unconscious Psychic Determinism Levels of Consciousness Effects of Unconscious Motivation Origin and Nature of the Unconscious Structures of the Personality The Id The Ego The Superego Intrapsychic Conflict Energy Hypothesis Anxiety Defense Mechanisms Sublimation Empirical Studies of Defenses
Prepared to accompany Theories of Personality (5th ed.) by Susan C. Cloninger (2008), published by Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Chapter Overview Cont. Personality Development The Five Psychosexual Stages Psychoanalytic Treatment Psychoanalytic Therapy Techniques The Recovered Memory Controversy Psychoanalysis as a Scientific Theory Silverman's Experiments Unconscious Cognition Unconscious Influences and the Body
Prepared to accompany Theories of Personality (5th ed.) by Susan C. Cloninger (2008), published by Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Sigmund Freud The “father of psychoanalysis” Born (1856) in Freiberg, Moravia into a Jewish family Moved at the age of 4 to Vienna Medical school, University of Vienna Published in 1900, Interpretation of Dreams Visits the US for two weeks in 1909 Leaves Vienna in 1938 due to Nazi aggression Dies in London in 1939
Unconsciousness 8h7NA&feature=related Prepared to accompany Theories of Personality (5th ed.) by Susan C. Cloninger (2008), published by Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
The Unconscious Psychic Determinism Levels of Consciousness Effects of Unconscious Motivation Origin and Nature of the Unconscious
Prepared to accompany Theories of Personality (5th ed.) by Susan C. Cloninger (2008), published by Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Psychic Determinism proposes that underlying psychological factors cause symptoms and other behavior includes (for example) the impact of traumatic events as causes of psychopathology Psychoanalysis as a way to uncover mental causes
Prepared to accompany Theories of Personality (5th ed.) by Susan C. Cloninger (2008), published by Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Levels of Consciousness conscious preconscious unconscious Our mind is like an iceberg The majority of our psyche is beneath the surface
Prepared to accompany Theories of Personality (5th ed.) by Susan C. Cloninger (2008), published by Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Effects of Unconscious Motivation physical symptoms Conversion hysteria: form of neurosis in which psychological conflicts are expressed in physical symptoms Glove anesthesia DVA
Hypnosis highly suggestible state, suggestions of the hypnotist influence the experience and the recall Divided consciousness Playing social roles Prepared to accompany Theories of Personality (5th ed.) by Susan C. Cloninger (2008), published by Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Effects of Unconscious Motivation Dreams “the royal road to the unconscious” manifest content (recalled story) latent content (interpretation) psychopathology of everyday life Freudian slips, determined by the unconscious Humor We find jokes funny if they provide a safe release for unconscious conflicts projective tests The TAT The Rorschach
Prepared to accompany Theories of Personality (5th ed.) by Susan C. Cloninger (2008), published by Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Origin and Nature of the Unconscious Repression hedonic hypothesis People seek pleasure and avoid pain Defense mechanism
Prepared to accompany Theories of Personality (5th ed.) by Susan C. Cloninger (2008), published by Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Structures of the Personality ID The pleasure principle, primitive, libido ego the reality principle, mature, mediator superego superego ideals, guilt, internal voice of restrictions
Prepared to accompany Theories of Personality (5th ed.) by Susan C. Cloninger (2008), published by Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. INTRAPSYCHIC CONFLICT The id, ego and superego are in constant conflict
Prepared to accompany Theories of Personality (5th ed.) by Susan C. Cloninger (2008), published by Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Energy Hypothesis Repression requires energy, and the more energy tied up in the conflict, the less energy is available for dealing with current reality An outdated metaphor, but it can describe “stress related drainage”
Prepared to accompany Theories of Personality (5th ed.) by Susan C. Cloninger (2008), published by Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. anxiety When ego fails neurotic anxiety Id impulses moral anxiety Super ego restrains reality anxiety Real threats
Defense Mechanism Implemented by Ego Aims to reduce the neurotic energy Primitive ones are developed in infancy Denial and distortion Switching from primitive DF to less primitive DF helps individual to adjust better Using various DFs has nothing to do with the level of intellect or education Prepared to accompany Theories of Personality (5th ed.) by Susan C. Cloninger (2008), published by Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Defense Mechanisms Denial not acknowledging painful aspects of reality Reaction Formation the ego unconsciously switches unacceptable impulses into their opposites Projection people disguise their own threatening impulses by attributing them to others Displacement shifting sexual or aggressive impulses toward a more acceptable or less threatening object or person Rationalization offering self-justifying explanations in place of the real, more threatening, unconscious reasons for one’s actions
Prepared to accompany Theories of Personality (5th ed.) by Susan C. Cloninger (2008), published by Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. sublimation Finding a socially acceptable aim and object for the expression of an unacceptable impulse May be expressed in: art Occupation
Prepared to accompany Theories of Personality (5th ed.) by Susan C. Cloninger (2008), published by Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT erogenous zones psychosexual stages
Prepared to accompany Theories of Personality (5th ed.) by Susan C. Cloninger (2008), published by Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Stages of Psychosexual Development
Prepared to accompany Theories of Personality (5th ed.) by Susan C. Cloninger (2008), published by Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. ORAL STAGE oral eroticism oral sadism Realization that needs are satisfied through object Fixation: optimism passivity dependency
Prepared to accompany Theories of Personality (5th ed.) by Susan C. Cloninger (2008), published by Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. ANAL STAGE toilet training anal retentive (organized, controlled) anal expulsive (messy, disorganized) anal character traits orderliness parsimony obstinacy
Prepared to accompany Theories of Personality (5th ed.) by Susan C. Cloninger (2008), published by Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. PHALLIC STAGE genital zone masturbation fantasy of parental partner males: Oedipus conflict females: Electra conflict
Oedipus Conflict Castration Anxiety -> Universal fear Koro syndrome in Southeast Asia Hitler The complex is resolved by sex typing Castration anxiety -> super ego Prepared to accompany Theories of Personality (5th ed.) by Susan C. Cloninger (2008), published by Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Electra complex Anger at mother for not protecting her from castration Penis envy -> castration complex: 1.Neurosis or sexual inhibition 2.Masculinity complex 3.Normal femininity Lack of castration anxiety->lack of superego Prepared to accompany Theories of Personality (5th ed.) by Susan C. Cloninger (2008), published by Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
LATENCY Calming of sexual impulses More socially and academically driven
Prepared to accompany Theories of Personality (5th ed.) by Susan C. Cloninger (2008), published by Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. GENITAL STAGE Puberty Focus on sexuality Genital character vanity; appearance; attention
Prepared to accompany Theories of Personality (5th ed.) by Susan C. Cloninger (2008), published by Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. PSYCHOANALYTIC TREATMENT free association catharsis insight transference Countertransference Recovered memory controversy Some memories are implanted Sexual abuse is rarely forgotten
Prepared to accompany Theories of Personality (5th ed.) by Susan C. Cloninger (2008), published by Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Psychoanalysis as a Scientific Theory Verfiability low reliability of projective tests validation through the psychoanalytic method
Prepared to accompany Theories of Personality (5th ed.) by Susan C. Cloninger (2008), published by Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Unconscious Cognition Alternative explanations for the unconscious Cognitive approaches Unconscious learning Unconscious sensory input Implicit and explicit memory
Prepared to accompany Theories of Personality (5th ed.) by Susan C. Cloninger (2008), published by Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Unconscious Influences and the Body Neurological Basis for Freudian Theory Rats loose their memory when under stress Neurodynamics -> left brain/right brain
Prepared to accompany Theories of Personality (5th ed.) by Susan C. Cloninger (2008), published by Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Chapter Summary The Unconscious Structures of the Personality Intrapsychic Conflict Personality Development Psychoanalytic Treatment Psychoanalysis as a Scientific Theory