Concurrent Education Transition to Year 2 Planning for
Agenda Double Major Program Requirements Course Registration Academic Expectations and Achievement Practicum Updates Extra-curricular Involvement
Would you like to pursue a double major? Must always have SCE as your major, but can combine major with another discipline. For example: Honours History in Combination with Honours Society, Culture, and Environment Very important to visit an academic advisor at Laurier to go over new program requirements Change program through Program Change Request on LORIS Adding a minor? You do not declare minors until you apply to graduate.
So Far… Year 1 Should Have: 4.0 WLU credits: BF190 and BF290 CT100 and CT120 CO243 and CO credit of elective (P/J) or teachable subject (J/I)
Program Worksheet & Requirements All worksheets and program requirements can be viewed on Laurier’s Academic Advising website: You can view your program worksheets: Click on Program Worksheets Choose Worksheets Concurrent Education BA/BEd You can view your program requirements: Click on Program Requirements Choose Concurrent Education: SCE major
Year 2 Nipissing Courses Primary/JuniorJunior/Intermediate EDUC 4103 (Educational Psychology and Special Education) EDUC 4203 (Educational Psychology and Special Education) EDUC 4112 (Language Arts 1)EDUC 4116 (Language Arts 1) EDUC 4128 (Methods 2)EDUC 4228 (Methods 2) EDUC 4661 (Observation & Practice Teaching) EDUC 4681 (Observation and Practice Teaching) PSYC 2020 (Developmental Psychology) *There are 5 mandatory courses in Year 2.
Optional Education Courses Not mandatory Eligible to take in Years 2-5 Courses offered each year vary Examples: Kindergarten: Curriculum, Theory & Practice Education of Native Canadians Religious Education in Roman Catholic Schools International Teaching ESL (English as a Second Language) *course offerings vary from year to year
Year 2 Laurier Courses Min. 3.0 Laurier credits (6 classes) in total Includes: BF199 and BF credit of senior required CT (choose from CT222, CT210, CT215, CT250, CT255, CT280, or CT285) 1 credit of teachable subject (J/I students) OR 1.0 credit of elective or senior CT (P/J students) Limit electives if completing multiple teachables, minors, or combination Honours Do not schedule Laurier classes before 7:00pm on Mondays NU2020* in addition to the above Laurier courses. This course will count in your Laurier overall GPA.
Year 2 Courseload BEd courses + BA courses = above standard courseload Suggest taking spring/summer courses. Registration is now open!
Registration Dates The Laurier Fall/Winter timetable will be posted in April Nipissing registration charts will be posted in May Web Advisor (NU) registration will open on June 9 (Year 2 & 3). More details will be communicated via your Nipissing and newsletter. LORIS Registration Date is based on credits completed, as well as credits in progress up until August 2015: Con-Ed students are part of the Faculty of Liberal Arts credits: June 8:00pm.
Registration Reminders Register for Nipissing Courses on Web Advisor and Laurier courses on LORIS Nipissing courses are added to your LORIS account by the Registrar’s Office for billing purposes only Step 1: You must register in your Education courses on Web Advisor. Observation and Practice Teaching Capacities are firm Step 2: Plan your WLU schedule around these classes and register on LORIS. Forget your Web Advisor Log-in Information? Contact the Web Advisor Helpdesk at , ext
Progression Progression is assessed at the end of the Winter term (May) How is your GPA calculated? The Nipissing average is calculated using Education courses only, and the Laurier GPA is calculated using all grades at Laurier as well as the required Nipissing Arts courses (PSYC 2020, SOCI 2091 and SOCI 2092). GPA is cumulative, and will include all classes you have taken, not just an average of the courses you have taken in one term.
Progression Progression requirements are as follows: Students must maintain an overall GPA of 7.0 each year in their Wilfrid Laurier (BA) courses, and an overall average of 70% in their Nipissing (BEd) courses. Progression decisions will be made at the end of each Winter term. Students not meeting the overall average of 70% in their BEd courses will be required to withdraw from the program. Academic courses in Education require a minimum grade of 60% for a pass. To progress in the Honours program students must achieve a minimum Honours GPA of 5.0, where a minimum Honours GPA of 7.0 is required for graduation. Students with an overall GPA below 6.0 in their Laurier courses will be withdrawn from the Concurrent Education program. Students with an overall GPA between in their Laurier courses are permitted to progress into the following academic year with a status of ‘on probation’. Probation requirements hold that students are given one year (inclusive of the summer term), to raise their overall GPA to the 7.0 requirement in order to continue in the Concurrent Education program. Students unsuccessful in achieving a 7.0 GPA after one year of probation will be withdrawn from the program. All students required to withdraw may appeal the decision to the Undergraduate Standing and Petitions Committee, at a specified date. Source:
Academic Success & Services Student Services and Support Learning Services, Accessible Learning, the Wellness Centre Learning Services GPA Program: Goals, Plans Achievement Writing and Study Skills Resources support/learningservices.htm support/learningservices.htm
Practicum Overview Year 2 – Formal Classroom Placement Arranged by the Practicum Office 20 days in total (Monday schedule) Year 3 – Alternative Placement Self-selected placement Includes possible International practice teaching opportunities Years 4 & 5: - Formal Classroom Practicum Placement Arranged by the Practicum Office
Practicum Overview Practicum Survey: To be released via NU s in April Opportunity to make a change in school board etc. Cannot be changed in September. Complete carefully! Police Vulnerable Sector Check: Original must be presented to the practicum office no later than September 25, 2015 – three weeks prior to the commencement of formal placement. Stay tuned as more information becomes available.