PowerGUARD Energy Saving for inductive loads Saving 8%-15% Protection Power Quality
Even after multiple measures have been applied to dave energy, the majority of installations still use electricity in an inefficient way Since motors and other inductive loads represent 70% to 80% of the total installed power, the quantity of energy losses is still high. The losses do not only affect the electricity bill, but also the cost of raw material, labor and production. Electrical Losses within a site
The electrical installations, unknowingly, suffer from energy losses du to harmonics, over-voltage, transiants, phase unbalance and incompatible impedance. The effects of magnetic waves in a site are generally underestimated as a source to save energy. In the world of electricity all sites are looked by the energy source as a circuit having an inductance in series with a resistance – therefore looking at the problem “magnetically” seams very logical. PowerGUARD treats the entire system by reducing the magnetic fields and improving the power quality and the total consumption PowerGUARD considers the site as a simple inductive load. PowerGUARD reduces the impedance of the site and therefore improves the transport of energy and reduces consumption. Total Solution
The cause of low Power Factor is the presence of inductive reactance in the circuit. To improve the PF to 1.0, we can either add a capacitive reactance (Capacitor) or reduce the inductive reactance (PowerGUARD) A commun practice to improve the power factor ne pratique commune pis to add capacitors. This method reduces the quantity of reactive energy supplied by the source, but also can creates resonance in the circuit and increase the temperature of equipments and transformers by creating over-voltage situations Whereas PowerGUARD allows to produce savings that can be verified and at the same time increases the power factor and protects the equipments against surges of current and voltage. Total Solution
PG Current generated in phase #1…. …is immediatly delivered to Phase #2…. …and to Phase #3, therefore neutralizing the Reactive current How PowerGUARD works By magnetic induction, a current is created and filtered to 60 HZ, this current is leading the voltage by more than 90 degrees, allowing it to flow to the opposite direction toward the source and neutralizing the reactive current
PowerGUARD benefits Voltage and current balancing Dynamic Power Factor correction Reduction of magnetic fields strength in the site Converting the energie created by overvoltage events to useful energy Equipments protection against surges Increases KVA capacity of Transformers Reduces the monthly bill
Effect on the environment PowerGUARD helps the environement. Every year, one 3-phase PowerGUARD 480 volts, can: Reduce up to 35,000 kWh and save 14 barils of oil, Avoid the emission of 9 tonnes of CO2 and Reduce the consumption of 800,000 liters of filtered water.
PowerGUARD vs Capacitors PowerGUARD Reduces the Inductive Reactance Capacitors Add to the Capacitive Reactance Benefits Dynamically improves the PF in the site Reduces Joules losses in the whole site Reduces KW demand Reduces KWh consumption Improves Voltage at the load Reduces temperature of the equipments Protection against Lightning and Transiants Life expectancy more than 20 years Guaranteed 3 years Improve the mains Improves PF of linear load YES Improve non-linear loads PF YESNO Preferred installation loocation In parallel to sub-panels or important loadsMains panel Possibility of motors self- excitation NOYES- Over correction Over voltage during low load NOYES Voltage RegulationImproves voltage unbalance of 3 phasesRisk of harmonic resonance may destroy equipments Reduces KWhYESNO – only through line losses reduction
General Diagram
Conclusion PowerGUARD allows: Protection of equipments against surges and lightning; Power Conditioning, Dynamic Power Factor Correction, Noise and RF reduction Reduction of line currents Reduction of KW demand Voltage balancing of the 3 phases Improves equipment efficiency such as Computers, VFDs, PLCs and Electronic ballasts; Reduction of 8% à 15% of the monthly bill Reduction of maintenance costs Payback between 12 and 30 months. The PowerGUARD units require no maintenance, guaranteed 3 years and a life expectancy of more than 20 years. Models are for domestic, commercial and industriel applications PowerGUARD is the only technology that offers all theses functions at the same time in the same product
Specifications PowerGUARD IND 3 Phase Delta Power Dissipation1250 Joules/min Peak Pulse Current Amps Max Surge Current(8 x 20 µsec) – Amps Nominal Clamping Voltage550 V RMS Max Steady State Voltage1500 V Response Time5 nanoseconds Total Capacitance255 µF KVAR21 Warranty3 years Dissipation Factor0.1% Max Stand by Power20 Watts Operating Temp.-40 C To +70 C Estimated Saving (Inductive loads)2.0 /3.0 KW
Case Study PG OFF PG ON reduction 12,2 KW PF increases from 0,96 to 0,99 Immediate reduction of 12,2 KW
OFFON Case Study The Graph shows the fluctuation in voltage due to the VFDs presence in the circuit When PowerGUARD is activated, there is an increase in voltage and a reduction in the deviation between the 3 phases.
Case Study OFF ON The Grapg shows that when the PG are ON, there is an increase in PF and KW decrease of an average of 7.5 KW. 3 PG units are intalled in paralled to a 300 KW electric Chiller ON OFF