Workflows III: Collect digital signatures for a file How to collect signatures Does your business require certain files to be signed by employees? Do you routinely go door to door, asking people to sign things? Instead of running around the hallways, use the Collect Signatures workflow. This workflow lets you collect digital signatures for a file stored on a SharePoint Server 2007 site.
Workflows III: Collect digital signatures for a file What is a digital signature? A digital signature is a typed signature that someone can add to a file. Instead of signing a printed document with a pen, they sign the file electronically by typing. In this example, Judy Lew, an event planner, has created a budget for an upcoming conference event. She signed the file, agreeing to the forecasted expense amounts. And she obtained signatures from both Kevin and Dan, since they must approve of any spending she does.
Workflows III: Collect digital signatures for a file What’s special about digital signatures? A digital signature is more than just a box with someone’s name typed inside it. Behind the scenes, attached to that signature, is a digital certificate. A digital certificate accompanies a digital signature. It is a means of proving identity to the signature. Certificates are issued by a certification authority, and, like a driver’s license, can expire or be revoked.
Workflows III: Collect digital signatures for a file What’s special about digital signatures (cont.) Here’s something else that’s important to know about digital signatures and files: After the first person signs, the file will become read only. Later, other signatures can be filled out, but no changes to the file can be made. This ensures that the first person doesn’t sign something different than the rest of the signers.
Workflows III: Collect digital signatures for a file Where do you get a digital certificate? So where do you get a digital certificate? Often your IT department will have a certificate established for you on your computer, so in many cases you don’t have to do anything extra; just sign the file and the certificate will be associated with it automatically. But if you don’t have a certificate, you’ll have to get one if you want to sign a file.
Workflows III: Collect digital signatures for a file What’s needed A quick note: the signatures described in this course are only available when using Microsoft Office ® Word 2007 and Microsoft Office ® Excel ® This course will explain the overall process using Excel But the process is the same in Word 2007.
Workflows III: Collect digital signatures for a file Prepare the file for signatures Now on to the meat of the matter: how to get signatures into a file. Before Judy can collect signatures, she needs to prepare this file. First, she needs to add three empty signature lines to the file so that there are spots for three signatures: one for herself, one for Kevin, and one for Dan.
Workflows III: Collect digital signatures for a file Prepare the file for signatures Judy inserts her cursor into the file. She clicks the Insert tab, and then clicks Signature Line, as shown here. She types the name, title, and address for herself. She repeats this process for Kevin Cook and Dan Park. She then saves the file.
Workflows III: Collect digital signatures for a file Sign it yourself Another thing Judy should do prior to starting the workflow: sign her own signature line. This will make the file Read-Only to everyone else from that point on, which helps ensure that the file doesn’t get changed from the time she signs it, to the time that Kevin and Dan sign it.
Workflows III: Collect digital signatures for a file How it all works Now it’s time to start the workflow so that the other two signatures can be collected. Unlike the other two workflows you may be familiar with, this one must be started in the program you are using. First, click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click Workflow. Next, as shown, click the Start button next to Collect Signatures.
Workflows III: Collect digital signatures for a file Certificate If a signer doesn’t have a digital certificate, he or she may get this message when trying to sign the file. It explains that a digital ID is needed. The best option is to click the first choice to get a digital ID from a Microsoft partner. After clicking OK, a Web page will open with a handful of providers to choose from.