Introduction to the FONIX 7000 Hearing Aid Test System Software version 1.60
Outline Coupler Measurements Basic (ANSI, Coupler Multicurve) Testing Digital Aids Open Fit Coupler Measuring directionality Automation Advanced Coupler Real-Ear Measurements Entering an audiogram Insertion Gain Testing directionality Real-ear SPL Visible Speech Testing Open Fit hearing aids Default Settings
Basic Coupler Measurements ANSI 03 — F4Coupler Multicurve — F1
ANSI 03 Settings Choose ear Aid type Frequencies Telecoil
ANSI 03 Results OSPL90 Response curve Max OSPL90-HFA Distortion FOG Telecoil EIN Battery current Telecoil I/O curves Attack & Release
Coupler Multicurve Features Realistic frequency response measurements Variety of signal types: Composite, Digital Speech, Pure-tone sweeps Display 10 different curves simultaneously Switch back and forth between gain and output. All curves translated.
Coupler Screen Operation Choose Ear Select CurveSource Type Amplitude
Example 50 dB 60 dB 70 dB 80 dB
Testing Digital Aids Digital Speech Type of Composite signal Modulated to allow testing of noise reducing digital aids Used with ANSI or ICRA speech spectra
Example of digital aid test Digital Speech Composite
Testing Open Fit Hearing Aids The Open Fit Coupler was designed to Provide a realistic response for open fit hearing aids. Provide an easy mechanism for attaching an open fit hearing aid to a coupler The Open Fit Coupler is a non-standard sized coupler not designed to test to manufacturing specifications
Attaching the Open Fit Coupler
Testing Directionality Use chamber design to perform “forward” and “reverse” measurements to obtain directional advantage Chamber speaker mounted at 45 degree angle, pointing towards left side of chamber
Forward/Reverse Positioning Forward positioning with hearing aid pointed towards sound chamber speaker Reverse positioning with hearing aid pointed away from sound chamber speaker
Directional Advantage Forward measurement Reverse measurement 6 dB RMS Difference
Coupler Automation Set up own test sequence Select signal type for each curve Select signal amplitude for each curve Add any desired pauses in test sequence Save and auto load test sequence
Programming Auto Mode F6 — Program Mode Help window w/instructions F5 — Source Type Amplitude START STOP Advance to next curve without pause Advance to next curve with pause
Example of Auto Test Digital 50, 65, 80 dB Pure-tone 90 dB F6 — Fully Automatic mode
Saving and Loading Settings Automatically load saved curve group and put analyzer in Auto Mode
Advanced Coupler Battery Current [F1] Coupler I/O [F2] Attack & Release [F3] Enhanced DSP [F4] Function key operations available in the Advanced Coupler Navigation Screen
Battery Current Screen Measure Battery Current as a function of frequency Measure Battery Current as a function of amplitude Estimate battery life of hearing aid
Battery Current Test Battery current by freq Battery current by amp
Coupler I/O Composite or Pure-tone source types Any Freq from 200 to 8000 Hz in 100 Hz intervals Display results in Output (SPL) or Gain Graph and data results given
Coupler I/O Test Results Frequency Test Results F5: Source Type
Attack & Release Test Screen Visual time graph of Attack and Release tests Scale graphs independently to zoom in on results Use Composite or Pure-tone Choose any frequency from Hz in 100 Hz intervals Customize amplitudes used in tests
Attack & Release Results Frequency F5: Source type F6 & F7: Change graph scales
Enhanced DSP Designed to measure the "group delay" of a DSP aid. In other words, the actual digital processing time of a hearing aid. 0 ms for analog aids 1-12 ms for DSP Great way to check if aid is analog or DSP Also tests the "phase" of a hearing aid. This is useful for binaural fittings. Are the aids working together?
Technical Details: Group Delay An impulse signal is delivered to the hearing aid. The time of the maximum peak of the response is considered the group delay. The 7000 system delay is subtracted from this value to obtain the final measurement.
Technical Details: Phase One pulse of a 1000 Hz cosine signal is delivered to the aid. This signal is 1 msec long. The first 20 msec of the aid's response to the signal is displayed in graphical format.
Example Group Delay Phase
Basic Real-Ear measurements F1 — Audiogram Entry F2 — Target Edit F3 — Insertion Gain F4 — Real-ear SPL Use the function keys to enter a screen F5 — Visible Speech
Entering an audiogram F1 — Select ear F2 — Select HTL/UCL/Bone F3 — Predict UCLs Real-Ear SPL only Adjust amplitude Adjust frequency
Insertion Gain features Unaided measurement Up to 4 aided measurements Gives up to 4 insertion gain measurements Operation similar to coupler screen
Insertion Gain screen F1 — Select earF2 — Select curveF5 — Select source type Select amplitude Insertion Gain Target Unaided Aided
Step 1: Setup Speaker should be 12 inches from patient at 45 degree angle Reference Mic Probe Mic
Step 2: Level LEVEL
Step 3: Unaided Measurement Peak at 3 kHz Negative response at 6 kHz shows probe tube could probably be inserted more deeply F2 - REUR 1F5 - DigSpeech Amplitude START STOP
Step 4: Aided/IG measurements F2 — REAR 2 IG Target IG curve
Multiple Aided/IG measures
Testing Directionality Directional Advantage CRV 2 — Forward response CRV 1 — Reverse response
Real-Ear SPL screen Check low inputs are above thresholds Check average inputs meet target Check loud inputs are below UCLs Auto-adjusting REUR shows amplification benefit at all levels Gives overall look at hearing aid fitting Operation similar to coupler & IG screens
SPL operation T = Thresholds U = UCLs H, M, L = Targets
Auto-Adjusting REUR Option REUR 1 automatically adjusts when the 80 dB REAR 4 curve is selected REUR 1 adjusted to 80 dB REAR 80 dB
Visible Speech Use live speech signal Real-time response (during test) Average response Minimum and maximum response per frequency for the length of the test HTLs UCLs All on one graph in dB SPL
Visible Speech: Before Test UCLs HTLs Targets
Visible Speech: Test Results Max boundary Avg Response Min boundary HTLs UCLs (off screen)
Open Fit Hearing Aids Some Open Fit hearing aids interfere with the reference microphone measurements outside the ear. Disable the Reference Microphone in the local menu to perform real-ear on these hearing aids. Real-ear targets may prescribe low frequency amplification unsuitable for open fit hearing aids.
Default Settings Press [MENU] from the Opening Screen to enter the Setup Menu Use [F1] in the Setup Menu to choose between: General Settings Coupler Settings Real-ear Settings