HI203 European World Jews and Muslims Stephen Bates
Aims of today Thinking about Jews and Muslims Who are they? What are they doing in Europe? How do they organise their societies How are they treated by European Christians
The Fertile Crescent The Sacrifice of Isaac Caravaggio (1602) Canaan ● ● Ur Exiles EGYPT Jerusalem ● ● Sinai Moses Michelangelo (1515) BABYLONIA
Israel’s Golden Age David Michelangelo (1504) The Judgement of Solomon Nicholas Poussin (1649)
Exiles – the Babylonian Captivity Jerusalem ● ASSYRIA Nineveh ● BABYLONIA Jeremiah Lamenting the Destruction of Jerusalem Rembrandt van Rijn (1630) Samaria ●
Exiles – the Diaspora Jerusalem ● Rome ● Siege of Jerusalem Jean Fouquet (Ms. De antiquitatibus Iudaeorum, c.1476)
Judith beheading Holofernes Caravaggio (1598) Allori Cristofano (c.1620)
Expulsion of the Jews 1290 – England 1394 – France 1492 – Spain 1497 – Portugal 1510 – Kingdom of Naples
Persecution of Jews Matthew Paris (thirteenth century)
Jewish Ghettos (Venice and Rome)
Christ Carrying the Cross Hieronymous Bosch (1510)
Martin Luther (c. 1520)
Young Jew as Christ Rembrandt van Rijn (c.1656)
Jews in the Synagogue Rembrandt van Rijn (1648)
Islam Medina ● ● Mecca Jerusalem 638 ● Qur’an (1203) Cordoba 711 ● ● Constantinople HEJAZ Tripoli 647 ● Damascus 635 ● ● Baghdad ANATOLIA
Islam ● Granada Constantinople ● ● Vienna ● Toledo ● Budapest Venice ● Mohács Lepanto
Turkish horseman with Christian captives Erhard Schoen (1540)
Arabic treatise on the eye (thirteenth-century)
The Mufti and the Monster Jacopo Ligozzi (1580)
Baptism of converts (Moriscos)
Expulsion of the Moriscos
The Habits of the Grand Signor’s Court British Museum, Sloane 5258 (c.1620)
Suleyman the Magnificent Melchior Lorck (1559)
Conclusion Islam remain a threat throughout period By contrast, Jews are a scattered, powerless minority Jews rehabilitated into European society Antisemitism remains a feature of European culture Islam inspires combination of contempt and respect