LineLine What is a line? What lines do you see in this room? How can lines be different? Are they all straight?
Lines can be used to write or draw
Some Artists use lines as a main focus in their artwork. What kinds of lines do you see here? How do they make you feel? Piet Mondrian
Lines as Feelings Most people see and feel that flowing curved lines are graceful. Jagged lines remind most people of sharp objects or sudden unexpected events like lightening. Artists plan their use of lines to express feelings and ideas. Wassily Kandinsky
Lines can be colorful too. What do you feel when you look at this picture of lines? What principle of design guides the line? Where do you see lines in the environment?
World Art with lines Central American Tapestry In molas, the most important design element used is line. Each tapestry is constructed of dozens of individual lines in varying lengths and colors to create a beautiful image. The tapestries all have even spacing between the colored lines, which suggests order. The repetition of the type of line in the molas gives each tapestry a unique rhythm.
TypographyTypography Art as Letters
Typography History Typography is the art of designing a typeface – letters in an alphabet. Roman-style letters have thick and thin elements with serifs (tags on each letter). Early letters were chiseled in stone and the serifs at the ends of line kept the stone from cracking.
Script Script typefaces resemble handwriting They are based on illuminated manuscripts from the Middle Ages.
Typefaces Today there are many typefaces available to the public. They are often named after the typographers who designed them. Bodoni, is a Roman style of type designed around 1800 by the Italian Giambattista Bodoni.
Expressive Lettering In expressive lettering, the shapes of letters are designed to show what they mean. For example, the word “rugged” might have letter forms that look strong with bold and wide font, but have jagged edges.
Graphic Design Graphic designers specialize in planning the layout of printed materials such as advertisements, packages, magazines, and books. Graphic design attracts attention, gives information, and can change how you think. Graphic design began as a specialty in the 1800s when business began to think that their products needed a special brand name and identity to compete with other similar products.
Names You can also learn about the importance of lines and styles of letterforms by lettering your name in different styles. In expressive lettering, the lines/shapes of letters are designed to show what they mean. For example, the word “rugged” might have letter forms that look strong with bold and wide font, but have jagged edges.
Brainstorming and Practice Look at the Instructions handout. Compare the lettering: Is every letter the same thickness or do they combine thick and thin lines? Are the letters slanted or upright? Are the letters skinny (condensed), extra wide or average? Do The letters have serifs or are they sans-serifs? Which dominating principle is guiding a dominating element? Why would a graphic designer choose this font?