Prepared by: Henry Paik, Huy Nguyen, Mathew Mellert, Scott Parker, and Thomas Washburn
- History - Demographics - Members and Community - Religious and Spiritual Beliefs - Social beliefs and cultural patterns - Current Concerns, Issues and Challenges
Founded by Jakop Ammann in 1693 Started in Switzerland and Germany In early 1800’s started coming to America Settled in Berks County Pennsylvania
● Advancements in technology in 1860’s ● 1940’s population of 13,000 ● 1990’s population of 128,145 ● 2013 population of 281,675 ● Spreads to 27 states and Ontario Canada
Men: Married men and single men Women: Universal throughout the community Children: Reciprocated or very similar
- Bible Study - Living free of sins - Greatly value humility, family, and their community - Singing
● Protestant denomination ○ Similar to Christianity ○ God ○ The Bible ○ Humility is the main determinant to most questions
Nearly all actions and practices are defended by Bible scripture Epistemological view: Religious Faith
Hochmut Pride Arrogance Haughtiness Demut humility Calmness Composure
Large Families Simplicity The Amish do speak English, but choose to speak a German dialect or Pennsylvania Dutch amongst themselves.
Amish population Ordnung Community Political beliefs Rumspringa Shunning
Language Education Appearance Modern conveniences Government programs Marriage Funerals
Funerals – simple Baptisms (17-20 years old) Beards signify married men No instruments during service Do not try to convert
- Modern Appliances and Technology - Cars and Tractor - Education
- Outside Culture - Marriage - Amish Mafia