Festivals and holidays Tereza Doležalová, V8A Gymnázium Jiřího Ortena 20th March 2015
Content Festivals in the USA Festivals in England Festivals in the Czech Republic
Festivals in the USA
Independence day 4th July Lots of fireworks in the street Celebrates independence from Great Britain America wanted the independence because of pay taxes Independence 1776 The first president: George Washington
Halloween The night of October 31 Parties Costumes Trick-or treat Pumpkins with the scary faces Traditional game: apple bobbing – picking apples out of a bowl of water with the teeth
Thanksgiving 1620 – a group of people (Pilgrims) sailed from England to America on a ship (Mayflower) Native Americans taught them how to grow corn and vegetables, build better houses and treat their diseases After a year, they wanted to thank the Americans – invited them for a diner -> the first Thanksgiving On the fourth Thursday in November Traditional: Turkey with cranberry sauce and mashed potatoes; a pumpkin pie
Christmas December 25 Decorate their homes and gardens with lights Turkey Exchange gifts Mythical fugure: Santa Claus
Festivals in England
Pancake day In spring Pancake races People run and throw pancakes in the air
Guy Fawkes Night – „Bonfire Night“ November 5 Guy Fawkes – wanted to blow up the Parliament and the King in 1605 – arrested and thrown onto a bonfire Very noisy festival Lots of fireworks and bonfires Chlidren walk around and ask for a „penny for the guy“ Buy fireworks for the money
St Patrick‘s Day March 17 In tribute to St Patrick, the patron of Ireland Brought the Christianity to Ireland Symbol: a green shamrock
Christmas December 24: Christmas Eve December 25: Christmas Day – people open the gifts Christmas dinner: Turkey and Christmas pudding Mythical figure: Father Christmas
Festivals in the Czech Republic
St. Nicholas Day December 6 During the evening before: angels, devils and St. Nicholas – from house to house and give presents to well behaved children Children: sing a song or tell a poem
Christmas Advent Christmas tree: ornaments, chocolate candies, gingerbread, candles,… Christmas dinner: fried carp with potato salad Midnight mass Mythical figure: Little Jesus
Silvestr Celebrating the end of the year Fireworks in the streets In English speaking countries: New Year‘s Eve
Easter In spring Easter Monday: men hit the women with a stick (woven willows) girls and women stay young and beautiful Girls and women give men coloured eggs
Sources http://www.topics.estranky.cz/clanky/maturitni-temata/10_-festivals-and- holidays.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Patrick%27s_Day http://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/us/christmas-day http://www.myczechrepublic.com/czech_culture/czech_holidays/ http://anglictina-maturita.studentske.cz/2008/03/holidays-and- traditions.html 17th March 2015