Amanda Kloster
Multiple Intelligences There are seven different kinds of intelligences according to Howard Gardner, a Harvard professor. This theory, "documents the extent to which students possess different kinds of minds and therefore learn, remember, perform, and understand in different ways,“ (Gardner 1991).
The seven intelligences: Visual-spatial: think in terms of physical space Bodily-kinesthetic: use the body effectively Musical: sensitivity to rhythm and sound Interpersonal: understanding and interacting with others Intrapersonal: understanding one’s own interests and goals Linguistic: use words effectively Logical-Mathematical: reasoning, calculating
Implications for educators Teachers should teach using a variety of modalities, not just those that are most comfortable to them. Allows students to show that they know the content in a way that shows their strengths. It allows students to value their individual strengths.
Useful websites: Gardner’s website: More information and sample intelligences tests: rmultipleintelligences.htm rmultipleintelligences.htm