BDS Ukraine Business Development Solutions November 2012 MANHOLES PRODUCTION IN UKRAINE ‘Market Scan’ Report
I.Classification and general technical data by Ukrainian standards. II.To be considered for manholes export. III.List of Manufacturers AGENDA
Each country used to exploit its own standards but the worldwide trend tends to classify manholes as per the purpose of the network. A manhole reference designation must have description of the network it is designed for: W – water supply system K - sewerage system D – street water/rain inlet TS – heat network GS – gas system GKS or GTS - intercity cable network MANHOLES PRODUCED IN UKRAINE
general purpose with locking catch manhole cover with hollow for concrete fill-up with a cover lifting device operated by a hoisting appliance mounted with anchor screw-bolts with a duplex cover with cover hinged to frame with square or right-angled cover/frame Outside surface of manhole cover must also have the producer trademark, inside surface - month and year of production. Configuration and design breakdown
Iron cast manhole, light. Type L. Up to 1,5 tonne (metric). Iron cast manhole, middle. Type S. Up to 12,5 tonne. Iron cast manhole, heavy. Type T. Type: «К»; «W»; «D»; «TS». Up to 25 tonne. Iron cast manhole, (super) heavy. Magistral. Type TM. 25+ tonne. Breakdown by nominal load
Iron cast (grey iron mark “C Ч 20” (SCh20), high-duty cast iron mark “ ВЧ 50” (VCh50)) Cast iron mixed with concrete (BEGU technology) Cast iron grade
Drawbacks: Dearness Theft exposure Heavy weight Liability to spark-striking IRON MANHOLE PROS AND CONS Advantages: Heavy load, up to 90 t Long operating life (durability) Temperature drop tolerance
Average price: Type L – average prices UAH Type C – average prices UAH Type T – average prices UAH Local production of iron manholes is regulated by the Interstate standard: “EN 124—1994 GOST (89) (DSTU B.V :2005)”. TO BE CONSIDERED FOR THE BUSINESS
List of the manufacturers contains 58 companies (90% of the local market) personally contacted by us, who expressed their initial willingness to export (see the Word document “Manholes makers” to be attached). List of Manufacturers in Ukraine
Please contact us: Oksana Samoylenko BDS Ukraine Executive Director Mob: +38 (067) for the next steps…