Influenza versus common cold Presentation Influenza Common cold Clinical spectrum Systemic Local – nose and throat Speed of onset Sudden Gradual Fever Generally high Usually mild Chills, myalgia, malaise, cough, sore throat Sneezing, nasal congestion, sinusitis Severity Prostration Course of illness May be protracted Complications May be severe, e.g. pneumonia, exacerbation of underlying conditions WHO Collaborating Centre for Influenza, Melbourne, Australia.
Influenza-like illnesses Can be caused by: influenza common cold pharyngitis croup tracheobronchitis bronchiolitis other respiratory viruses including: respiratory syncytial virus rhinovirus parainfluenza virus adenovirus pulmonary tuberculosis fungal and cytomegalovirus pneumonia various other atypical pneumonias
Differential diagnosis – influenza and influenza-like virus types Influenza virus Parainfluenza virus RSV 3 2 4 Adenovirus Rhinovirus Coronavirus Enterovirus 33 > 90 4–5 > 70 Virus types Different serotypes
By courtesy of APACI Asia-Pacific Advisory Committee on influenza www By courtesy of APACI Asia-Pacific Advisory Committee on influenza