EIE/07/291/SI2.466803 project duration: 36 months Date of Creation of slides: October 08 TRENDY TRAVEL: Get Emotional about Sustainable Transport & Soft.


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Presentation transcript:

EIE/07/291/SI project duration: 36 months Date of Creation of slides: October 08 TRENDY TRAVEL: Get Emotional about Sustainable Transport & Soft Mobility Projekt unterstützt durch “Intelligent Energy – Europe” Programme of the European Community

EIE/07/291/SI project duration: 36 months Date of Creation of slides: October 08 Project Summary Hauptziel ist es zu zeigen wie man nachhaltigen Verkehr mehr emotionalisieren kann, um damit eine Verlagerung vom Auto auf gesündere, umweltfreundlichere Verkehrsarten zu erreichen. 5 Anwedungsbereiche werden in 11 Ländern umgesetzt: 1: Storytelling – interessante Geschichten sollen Zuhörer/Zuseher /Leser fesseln 2: Rituale geben Struktur– bicycle events through the year 3: Imageverbesserung hauptsächlich in den Neuen Mitgliedstaaten 4: Pleasing the eye: good design for sustainable transport 5: Kinder erziehen ihre Eltern: wie Kinder ihre Eltern in Richtung nachhaltigen Verkehr lenken können Erwartete Hauptergebnisse sind: Lokal: Verminderte Emissionen, Energie- und Kosteneinsparung Gemeinsam: verschiedenstes Verbreitungsmaterial Global: Anwendungen, die über ganz Europa verbreitet werden können

EIE/07/291/SI project duration: 36 months Date of Creation of slides: October 08 WP3 T1: Storytelling NS: range of different pilot campaigns (incl. Health and Railway travel), exciting stories, stickers, thematic brochure, re-design of bicycle park etc. BUS CONSULTING: installment of sms-text competition into web-based computer art project FGM-AMOR: set of short stories, set of video clips, set of cartoons and illustrations MODELLSCHULE GRAZ : installment of yearly project with comics on sustainable travel

EIE/07/291/SI project duration: 36 months Date of Creation of slides: October 08 WP3 T2: Rituals provide structure CCC: Bicycle Event Calender, Fashion Show, promotion of good cycling routes, etc. FEMMO: Bicycle Event Calender, incl. bicycle fair and bicycle circus and various campaigns VHCB: Bicycle – new fashion in Vilnius AGEAS: Bicycle Event Calender with various events and car free Sundays MARTIN: 3 parts of bicycle calender, e.g. SIU: Bike to University Month, Spring flee market for bikes and bike competitions PMO and VHCB will take up at least two examples

EIE/07/291/SI project duration: 36 months Date of Creation of slides: October 08 WP3 T3: Raising the image MARTIN: Education of key target groups, including children, teenagers, senior citizens, vendors and sports clubs as well as doctors and health organisations, etc. FGM: Brochure about good reasons for cycling AGEAS: Bike sharing, recreational cycling tours SIU: Bike rental and leasing service, recreational cycling tours, bike competitions, marketing etc. EAP: Establishment of sport links, media connection and talking points VHCB: Bicycle fashion contest FEMMO: Campaign bus

EIE/07/291/SI project duration: 36 months Date of Creation of slides: October 08 WP3 T4: Pleasing the eye MODELLSCHULE: Emotionalization of European travel and transport scene through visual design; creation of visuals CCC: Design of bike clothing and accessories FGM-AMOR: Development of further graphics, cartoons and pictures as well as creation of visuals ÖKI: Development of resource pack on good design in cycling, including cycling routes and maps and equipment NS: Resource pack for improved station design FEMMO: Design of bike clothing and accessories MARTIN: Development of design guidelines for cycling infrastructure

EIE/07/291/SI project duration: 36 months Date of Creation of slides: October 08 WP3 T5: Children guide parents ÖKI: Kindergarten lottery, bicycle trailer service, Kindergarten books PMO: Media partnership, Traffic Snake Game, Kindergarten bicycle training, picture books MARTIN: Kindergarten travel programme, kindergarten books VILNIUS: Workshops with parents and children, kindergarten training for safe cycling, contests FEMMO: Back on your bike- training, bike rotation in primary schools and kindergartens, bicycle traffic school, safe ride to school, cycle to school initiative, etc.

EIE/07/291/SI project duration: 36 months Date of Creation of slides: October 08 Background Some basic facts illustrate the motivation for the emotional promotion of clean urban transport: more than 50% of all human decisions are emotional - often against rational awareness most marketing campaigns for cars target human emotions more than 90% of all marketing expenses for transport come from car manufacturers TRENDY TRAVEL: aims to ensure that Public transport, cycling and walking are associated with positive emotions like excitement, fun, being moved emotionally lust for life, pride etc.

EIE/07/291/SI project duration: 36 months Date of Creation of slides: October 08 Objectives and Main Steps The overall objectives are: Change of perception and attitudes towards sustainable transport modes Setting anchors for sustainable transport and soft policies in city policy Usage of facilitating materials created in TT Creating virtuous circles (upward spirals) for sustainable transport Achieving dissemination of good practises Energy savings, emissions reductions, cost savings

EIE/07/291/SI project duration: 36 months Date of Creation of slides: October 08 Objectives and main steps What Trendy Travel Sites Plan to do: Power of Enduring Stories using texts, picture stories, video clips, metaphors, analogies & theatre plays to promote “Trendier Travel“ will be carried out by 4 partners Ritual Events will be organized to promote cycling throughout the year at 8 sites with various events and yearly campaigns 6 sites will be involved in developing good/corporate designs for infrastructure & gear to Please The Eyes of cyclists, skaters & pedestrian rail commuters. Pictures, paintings &cartoons on sustainable travel will be produced 5 sites will empower Children To Guide Their Parents to make more sustainable travel choices, through training, workshops, games and competitions 5 New Member States will Raise The Image Of Cycling through celebrity endorsements, special events/tours & other campaigns to create a new mobility culture

EIE/07/291/SI project duration: 36 months Date of Creation of slides: October 08 Expected Results Key Deliverables/outcomes/results database of stories A database of stories as booklets, plays, video clips, cartoons, illustrations, photo and comic strips used to promote sustainable travel 8 calendars 8 calendars of events to promote cycling 21 good reasons for cycling A Brochure on 21 good reasons for cycling in at least 6 languages Best-Practice Fact sheets Best-Practice Fact sheets on raising the image of cycling Bicycle climate tests 10 “Bicycle climate tests” completed design resource packs Good design resource packs for infrastructure & gear that please cyclists, skaters & pedestrian commuters Picture books Picture books for kindergartens Recipes “Recipes” for cycling training, competitions and games for schools and kindergartens

EIE/07/291/SI project duration: 36 months Date of Creation of slides: October 08 Partners and Contacts CO-ORDINATOR: Cork City Council, Anglesea Street, City Hall, IE Cork – Ireland Ms. Gaelle Croisier or Mr. Pat Casey   or   Project Website:

EIE/07/291/SI project duration: 36 months Date of Creation of slides: October 08 Partners and contacts ITALY ÖKOINSTITUT Südtirol/Alto contact: Mr. Harald Reiter/Ms. Franziska Mair AGEAS: Agencia per la gestione energia-ambiente sviluppo sosteniblile Salerno contact: Ms. Agnese Germino / Mr. Angelo Nicoletti AUSTRIA: Verein Grazer Modellschule contact: Ms. Andrea Winkler FGM-AMOR Forschungsgesellschaft Mobilität – Austrian Mobility Research contact: Mr. Karl Reiter / Mr. Robert Pressl / Ms. Susanne Wrighton ROMANIACity Hall of Oradea contact: Ms. Ioana Popa / Ms. Oana Sabau DENMARKEnergy Agency in Aarhus contact: Ms. Lene Rasmussen/ Mr. Jakob Worm

EIE/07/291/SI project duration: 36 months Date of Creation of slides: October 08 Partners and contacts HUNGARYSzechenyi Istvan University Győr contact: Ms. Emese Mako / Mr. Peter Toth BULGARIAEnergy Agency of Plovdiv contact: Ms. Bogdana Bogdanova NETHERLANDSNS Nederlandse Spörwegen contact: Mr. Mark van Hagen / Ms. Vera Aaldering SLOVAKIACity of Martin contact: Mr. Milan Nemcek / Ms. Aneta Rusnakova/Ms. Denisa Valaskova LITHUANIAVilnius Health City Bureau contact: Ms. Akvile Vosyliene / Ms. Rita Baskiene PORTUGALBUS STOP– Consultores Criativos, LDA contact: Mr. Pedro Diego Vaz / Ms. Marta Gomes