Organising tourist destinations in Scotland and Denmark: Multi-level governance versus localism Dr. Constantia Anastasiadou & Prof. Henrik Halkier 23 rd.


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Presentation transcript:

Organising tourist destinations in Scotland and Denmark: Multi-level governance versus localism Dr. Constantia Anastasiadou & Prof. Henrik Halkier 23 rd Nordic Symposium Conference, Copenhagen, 2 nd - 4 th October Literature review: Multifaceted DMOs 2.Methodology 3.Contexts: Public sector reforms in Scotland and Denmark 4.Initial findings: DMO activities, public-private relations, multi-level governance 5.Reflections on DMOs: Scotland, Denmark, and beyond

Literature Review: Multifaceted DMOs Studies on aspects of destination marketing organisations Functions & Structures (Ritchie and Crouch, 2003; Pike 2004; Wang et al., 2011); management and planning (Laesser and Beritelli, 2013) International Benchmarking (Lennon et al., 2006; Doussa and Koutoulas, 2009; Wight, 2013) Performance Measurement(d’ Angella et al, 2010; Morgan et al., 2012); Learning and Decision Making; Brand Performance (Bornhorst, et al, 2010;) Marketing (Buhalis, 2000; Ritchie and Ritchie, 2002; Pike, 2008); collaboration (d’Angella and Go, 2008) Stakeholder management and networking; (Wang and Fesenmaier, 2006; Nordin and Swenson, 2007; Presenza et al., 2013) Governance (Beaumont and Dredge, 2010; d’ Angella, 2010; Ruhanen et al, 2010; Hall, 2011); Leadership and Trust

Trends highlighted in the literature: Change of activities: from marketing to management? Increasing multi-level governance of destinations? Reconfiguring of public-private relationships? Literature Review: Multifaceted DMOs

Methodology Comparative study between Denmark and Scotland Three-step and mixed method approach Desk & Web research (identification of organisations & literature review) Quantitative survey of destination development bodies to establish: composition and structures style of decision and policy making division of labour with local, regional and national partners Samples achieved of subnational bodies: Scotland 35% (N=40) Denmark 59% (N=47) Additional in-depth qualitative interviews – in process

National Contexts: Scotland and Denmark 1.Governance in general: Public sector reforms (Scottish devolution 1997, Danish local government reform 2007) 2.Governance of tourism development: SCOTLANDPre 2006Post 2006Changes NationalSTB/VisitScotlandVisitScotland Reform of VisitScotland structure- refocus Abolition of Area Tourist Boards Bottom up Destination Organisations ATPs coordinate action between bodies/levels Stakeholder relations/communications Region Area Tourist Board Area Tourist Partnership LocalDestination Organisation UnitTourism BusinessesTourism Business DENMARKPre 2007Post 2007Changes NationalVisitDenmark Re-scaling of tourism development Bigger regions/localities (2007) Product-based cross-regional bodies (2014) Spatial flux undermining stakeholder relations? Region Uneven/unstable bodies LocalGrowing number/scale UnitTourism Businesses

Initial Findings 1: Marketing to Management Data from question on marketing in relation to other functions- Training is the most important activity, followed by marketing and development

Initial Findings 2: Public- private relations Very similar picture but differences in terms of inhibitors

Initial Findings 3: Multi-level governance

Reflections on the Scottish and Danish experience The role/relevance/importance of the National Tourism Body- redefinition of objectives? Purpose? The variety of Destination Organisations in Scotland- linkages to other stakeholders/layers of governance Effectiveness/Efficiency assessment Networks between Destinations- positioning within the wider regional/local economy Impact/influence of funding initiatives and schemes The adjustment to the rescaling of structures in Denmark

Thank you! Dr. Constantia Anastasiadou – Prof. Henrik Halkier –