QM-1/2011/Estimation Page 1 Quantitative Methods Estimation
QM-1/2011/Estimation Page 2 Estimation Process Population Mean, , is unknown Random Sample Mean X = 50 Are we confident that is 50? OR we are more confident in saying that is between 48 & 52?
QM-1/2011/Estimation Page 3 Population Parameters are Estimated Population ParameterSample Statistic 22 xixi n (x i -x) 2 n-1
QM-1/2011/Estimation Page 4 Estimation Methods Estimation Point EstimationInterval Estimation
QM-1/2011/Estimation Page 5 Estimation Methods Estimation Point Estimation Interval Estimation
QM-1/2011/Estimation Page 6 Point Estimation Point Estimate Draw a sample from a population and compute AVERAGE to ESTIMATE the MEAN Value of the population. The formula used for computing Average is called ‘Statistic’ or ‘Estimator’. The computed value based on the sample is called ‘Estimate’ for the population parameter (here ‘Mean’).
QM-1/2011/Estimation Page 7 Problem with Point Estimate Following data is a sample from a population. 13,13,16,19,17,15,14,13,15,15,18. Point estimate for Mean is simply the average of these data, i.e If we had collected lesser or larger number of samples the average would have been different.
QM-1/2011/Estimation Page 8 Problem with Point Estimate Population Parameter 1 st group of sample 2 nd group of sample Estimates from different samples will be different, but, within a limit, around the Population parameter. This is applicable for all estimates (i.e. Average, s.d. etc). All estimates from different samples are ‘Point estimates’.
QM-1/2011/Estimation Page 9 Estimation Methods Estimation Point Estimation Interval Estimation
QM-1/2011/Estimation Page 10 Interval Estimate This estimate gives a lower and upper limit. The population parameter will be in this interval with a certain degree of confidence. A confidence level is associated with an interval estimate. Higher the confidence level desired, the spread of the interval will be larger.
QM-1/2011/Estimation Page 11 Error in Estimate Sample statistic (point estimate) Population Parameter (unknown) x X ~ N( , /√n) ~ N(0, 1) X – /√n
QM-1/2011/Estimation Page 12 Standard Normal & Tail area Z 0.05 P(Z < Z 0.05 ) = 0.95
QM-1/2011/Estimation Page 13 Standard Normal & Tail area (1- ) Z
QM-1/2011/Estimation Page 14 Standard Normal & 2-Tail area (1- ) Z
QM-1/2011/Estimation Page 15 Estimation of Interval P(|Z |< Z ) = 0.95 P(|X – | < Z ) = 0.95 P(|X – | < Z /√n) = 0.95 P(-Z /√n < - X < Z /√n) = 0.95 P(X - Z /√n < < X + Z /√n) = 0.95 /√n
QM-1/2011/Estimation Page 16 Confidence Interval for Mean P(X – Z /2 /√n < < X + Z /2 /√n) = 1- (1- ) /2 Z /
QM-1/2011/Estimation Page 17 Wider interval for higher confidence 99% x x x x x x x x 95% x x x x 90% x x x x
QM-1/2011/Estimation Page 18 Factors Affecting Interval Width Data Dispersion Measured by Higher results wider interval. Sample Size X = n Higher sample size results narrower interval. Level of Confidence (1 - ) Affects Z Higher level of confidence, wider interval.
QM-1/2011/Estimation Page 19 Confidence Interval Estimates Confidence Interval MeanProportion Known Unknown
QM-1/2011/Estimation Page 20 Confidence Interval Estimates Confidence Interval Mean Proportion Known Unknown
QM-1/2011/Estimation Page 21 Confidence Interval of Mean - known Population Standard Deviation is Known Population is Normally Distributed. n > 30, if Population is Not Normal. Confidence Interval: n ZX n ZX 2/2/
QM-1/2011/Estimation Page 22 Exercise The mean of a random sample of n = 36 is X = 50. Set up a 95% confidence interval estimate for if = 12.
QM-1/2011/Estimation Page 23 Exercise You’re a Q/C inspector of Coke. The for 2-liter bottles is 0.05 liters. A random sample of 100 bottles showed X = 1.99 liters. What is the 90% confidence interval estimate of the true mean amount in 2-liter bottles?
QM-1/2011/Estimation Page 24 Confidence Interval Estimates Confidence Interval Mean Proportion Known Unknown
QM-1/2011/Estimation Page 25 Confidence Interval of Mean - Unknown Normal population. n > 30 The sample sd s is a good estimator of Confidence interval is as below. n ZX n ZX s s 2/2/