Get Ready Set Go Let’s begin our author study ! Created by Ana Zenon
An author is a writer Writers look like this Are you a writer?
An illustrator is a person who creates pictures for a book Illustrators look like this Are you an illustrator ?
An author study is when we learn about the books written by one person. We read talkwrite and draw about books written by 1 person
Remember Eric Carle ? He is an illustrator. He is a writer.
Eric Carle Books by He wrote and drew the pictures for these stories
Maurice Sendak authorillustrator This month for our author study we will learn about
Let us read, talk and write about Maurice Sendak’s books. Here are some books that will make you go WILD about this author. WITEWITE TLkTLk
Chicken Soup With Rice Maurice Sendak Pierr e Alligators All Around One Was Johnny Books by
As we read Maurice Sendak’s books let’s try to answer these questions… nonfiction The rhyming words ? The alliteration ? The repetition ? Are his illustrations similar to Eric Carle’s? fiction or What kind of books does he like to write ? What makes his stories interesting ? The characters ? The settings ? His writing style ?
Get Ready Set Go! Go get WILD with Maurice Sendak’s books!