God created Adam and Eve. Lesson 5 1. Introduction 2. God finished preparing the earth for man. Isaiah 45:18.


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Presentation transcript:

God created Adam and Eve. Lesson 5

1. Introduction 2. God finished preparing the earth for man. Isaiah 45:18

3. God planned to create man in His own image. Genesis 1:26 God planned to give man a mind. God planned to give man emotions. God planned to give man a will.

4. God created the first man and woman. Genesis 1:27

4. God created the first man and woman. Genesis 2:7 Genesis 1:27-28

5. God made the first man and woman managers over all life on earth. Genesis 1:28-30 Psalm 24:1

6. Everything God made was good. Genesis 1:31

7. God’s angels, including Lucifer, all witnessed God’s creation of man. 8. Conclusion