Russian-Italian Mission (RIM) … A.M. Galper Rome
BariFlorenceFrascati Italy: TriesteNaple s Rome CNR, Florence St. Petersburg Russia: Germany: Siegen Sweden: KTH, Stockholm RIM-PAMELA Moscow Italy:
Practical aspects of the LF-phenomenon The cosmonauts must be ready to LF phenomenon during space flight, especially if it is the long space flight out of the earth magnetosphere. LF phenomenon's, which systematically will be arising especially before slipping cosmonauts, can to bring up to tiredness condition and to decreasing of the operational capability. LF phenomenon capable to exert on operational capability. The low sensitivity to LF phenomenon is a good property for future crewmembers of the Mars missions.
Detector part of the SilEye apparatus
The fraction of particles that occurred in the LF- window (1.2–0.2 sec. before a registered LF signal) and “anti-LF” window (defined, being 0.2–1.2 s after the LF) as a functions of LET Sergey Avdeev on Mir with the SilEye-2 detector mounted on the side of his head and the mask with LED’s in front of his eyes. SilEye-2
The ALTEINO experiment. On the left is shown the electroencephalograph Halley, on the right the cosmic ray detector AST. The scheme of the electroencephalograph electrodes connections Experiment “SilEye-3/Alteino” (April – May 2002, ISS)
A schematic view of the cosmonaut with the ALTEA system 1. Detector system consists of an helmet shaped mechanical structure holding 12 active silicon telescopes, assembled in 6 independent units; 2. Electrodes of the EEG system with 24 monopolar channels plus 4 bipolar channels. 3. Visual Stimulator
References 1. Bidoli, V., et al., Nuclear Instruments and Methods A, 1999, 424, S.Avdeev, et all Acta Astronautica May 2002, vol 50/8 pp Casolino, M., et al., Nature 422 (2003) 680.
Experiment NINA (RIM--1)
Experiments NINA 1,2 Scientific interest: Study of the nuclear and isotopic component of cosmic rays : H - Fe --> MeV/n (full containment) Choice of the orbit: POLAR so to be able to encounter different families of cosmic rays: galactic, albedo, trapped
Launch: 10 July 1998 Space - Base Baikonur End of mission: 13 th April Satellite RESURS-01 n.4: PERIOD ~ 100 min. ALTITUDE ~ 840 km INCLINATION 98.7 deg. MASS 2500 kg The detector a silicon wafer 6x6 cm 2, 380 m thick with 16 strips, 3.6 mm wide in X -Y views. 32 wafers arranged in 16 planes, 1.4 cm apart. In total almost 12 mm of silicon. Lateral and Bottom AC for Full Containment mass resolution <0.15 amu for He, <0.1 amu for H energy resolution < 1 MeV NINA mission NINA-2 mission Satellite MITA: PERIOD ~ 100 min. ALTITUDE ~ 400 km INCLINATION 87.3 deg. MASS 170 kg Launch: 14 July 2000 Space - Base Plesetsk End of mission: 15 th August 2001.
ZENIT rocket Baikonur, Kazakhstan July COSMOS rocket Plesetsk, Russia July NINA2-MITA Sun-Earthpointing,89°, 440 km, 90’ Last scientific data in August 10, 2001, at 240 km altitude NINA-RESURS Earthpointing, 97°, 810 km, 100’
Solar Energetic Particles 9 SEP events have been detected by NINA in October April 1999, and analyzed; 14 SEP events have been detected by NINA-2 in October 2000 – August He/ 4 He ratios and energy spectra determined; 7 Nov event 3 He-enriched[ 3 He/ 4 He=(0.33± 0.006)] All SEPs present a 3 He/ 4 He higher than coronal values; Possible presence of deuterium on 24 Nov and 19 July 2001 nuclear interactions, which could contribute to the 3 He content in SEPs
7 Nov event 3 He/ 4 He= 0.33 ± [ MeV/n] 3 He-enriched The 3 He and 4 He spectral indexes are: The 3 He/ 4 He ratio increases with energy. Its low-energy extrapolation (~ ) is consistent with ULEIS (ACE) [Mason, Mazur & Dwyer, ApJ, 525, L133, 1999] in the interval MeV/n, which reported a value < 6x He --> = 2.5 ± He --> = 3.7 ± 0.3
Galactic Cosmic Rays Cosmic ray abundances, with the odd-even effect, the peaks at C and O, and the relative depression of the light elements Li, Be and B Very good agreement among SIS, CRIS and NINA results
Trapped particles mass reconstruction The mass reconstruction confirms the presence of ‘real’ H and He isotopes in Radiation Belts. 3 He is more abundant than 4 He
Albedo particles Energy spectrum of protons of albedo origin was measured at different geomagnetic location Behaviour of the proton flux as a function of altitude and longitude out of the South Atlantic Anomaly was studied NINA and NINA-2 measurements revealed that 2H, 3H, 3He and 4He are a significant portion of the secondary flux above the atmosphere L-shell 0.26 G
References V.Bidoli, M. Casolino, M.De Pascale et al Isotope composition of secondary hydrogen and helium above the atmosphere Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, A5, 1211, 2003 V.Bidoli, M. Casolino, M.De Pascale et al Energy spectrum of secondary protons above the atmosphere measured by the instruments NINA and NINA-2 Annales Geophysicae, 20, issue 10 (2002), 1693 (PDF) A.Bakaldin, A.Galper, S Koldashov et al Geomagnetically trapped light isotopes observed with the detector NINA Journal of Geophysical Research, 107, N. A8 (2002), 1-8 A. Bakaldin, A. Galper, S. Koldashov et al Light Isotope Abundances in Solar Energetic Particles measured by the Space Instrument NINA The Astrophysical Journal, 577:513–523, 2002 astro-ph/ ,
Space experiment onboard small size satellite of Lavochkin Association The project “MONICA”: “Monitor of cosmic ray nuclei and ions” Russian participants: Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (State University) – Leading institute Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of RAS Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Scientific objectives of MONICA experiment Measurement of ionic charge states, as well as elemental, isotope composition and energy spectra of SEP fluxes from He to Ni in MeV/n energy range for individual SEP events (including small impulsive SEP events). Measurement of ACR ion ionic charge and isotope composition, including new elements and isotopes, which have been observed on ACE (sulfur, isotopes of oxygen and neon and others); measurement of ACR energy spectra. Measurement of GCR and ACR fluxes modulation with the purpose of study of conditions of particle propagation in heliosphere. Study of CR penetration into Earth magnetosphere under conditions of its strong disturbances during the solar-magnetosphere events.
The technique of CR ion charge measurement: The usage of Earth magnetic field as a separator of ion charge state
MONICA physical scheme D1–D14 - silicon strip detectors Detector Thicknesses: D1, D2 – 100 µm D3-D5 – 300 µm D6-D14 – 1000 µm SAC, AC – scintillation anticoincidence detectors
Physical and technical characteristics of MONICA spectrometer Geometry factor100 cm 2 sr Aperture 45 Angle resolution 11 Energy range H CNO Fe 7-70 MeV MeV/n MeV/n Energy resolution1% Mass resolution H CNO Fe Resolution time50 ns Dead time<1 ms Outline dimensions 650 650 300 mm (preliminary) Mass 40 kg Power consumptionNot more then 80 W Power supply voltage 27 V Matter in aperture Not more then 0.05 g/cm 2 Mass memory 1 Gbyte Information downloads not less than one per day
Small Size Satellite Star Sensors Place for scientific instrumentation
Experiment PAMELA (RIM--2)
PAMELA Spectrometer Shower tail catcher Scintillator ToF Magnetic spectrometer Calorimeter Anticoincidenceshield Neutron Detector
The Launch Resurs -DK1 № 1 15/06/06
36 GV interacting proton
PAMELA status First switch-on on June 21 st 2006 Detectors in nominal conditions (no problems due to the launch) Tested different trigger and hardware configurations Commissioning phase successfull May 7 th 2009: PAMELA ON for 1058 days 8023 files 3728 downlinks 13.5 TB PAMELA in continuous data-acquisition mode Experiment PAMELA will continue till the end of 2011
Project GAMMA--400 (RIM--3)
GAMMA-400 FIELDS OF INVESTIGATIONS -The investigation of the nature of physical processes in astrophysical objects, responsible for the generation of high energy gamma-rays (1 GeV…3 TeV). SCIENTIFIC OBJECTIVES OF GAMMA-400 EXPERIMENT -The investigation of the nature and properties of weak interacting massive dark matter particles, via the processes of their annihilation and possibly the decay on gamma and electron- positron pairs.
GAMMA-TELESCOPE GAMMA-400 PHYSICAL SCHEME АС – anticoincidence detector; SАС – side anticoincidence detector; C– convertor; S1, S2 – TOF scintillators; CD1 – CD3 – coordinate strip detectors; CC1,CC2 – coordinate calorimeters (8 layers: W convertor+strip detector); CC3 – PbWO 4 coordinate calorimeter ; S3, S4 – trigger scintillators; SLD – scintillator Shower Leakage Detector; ND – neutron detectorр. Trigger S1 (1...5 m.i.p.) Х S2 (1...5 m.i.p.) Х S3 (>10 m.i.p.) Х S4 (>20 m.i.p.) ~1500
GAMMA-TELESCOPE GAMMA-400 (TRD variant) PHYSICAL SCHEME TRD – transition radiation detector; АС – anticoincidence detector; SАС – side anticoincidence detector; C– convertor; S1, S2 – TOF scintillators; CD1 – CD3 – coordinate strip detectors; CC1,CC2 – coordinate calorimeters (8 layers: W convertor+strip detector); CC3 – PbWO 4 coordinate calorimeter ; S3, S4 – trigger scintillators; SLD – scintillator Shower Leakage Detector; ND – neutron detector. ~1500 Trigger S1 (1...5 m.i.p.) Х S2 (1...5 m.i.p.) Х S3 (>10 m.i.p.) Х S4 (>20 m.i.p.)
“NAVIGATOR” SATELLITE GAMMA-400 Apogee hight km; Perigee hight 500 km; Inclination 51,8˚; Orbit duration 7 days.
PRELIMINARY CHARACTERISTICS OF GAMMA-400 GAMMA-TELESCOPE Converter thickness0.8 r. l. Sensitive area1000 х 1000 mm 2 Geometric factor~ 0.7 m 2 Coordinate precision1 mm Angular resolution 0,05 TOF resolution200 ps Calorimeter thickness~ 25 X 0 Energy range1 GeV - 3 TeV Energy resolution (100 ГэВ - 3 ТэВ)~ 1 % Dimentions1,5×1,5×2,0 м 3 Weight of the gamma-telescope~ 1700 kg Energy consumption700 W Transferred information volume20 Gb /day Duration of experiment5 years
ARINA instrument on board the Resurs-DK1
Instrument ARINA On the basis of multilayer scintillation detector. Acceptance of ARINA times higher than acceptance of instruments, used in earlier experiments for similar studies.
Formation of particle bursts of seismic origin ЭМИ – electromagnetic emission of seismic origin; Line – lower boundary of the radiation belt
Т distributions on the data of various satellite experiments Т =(Т equake -Т burst ), L<0.1, L = I L equake -L burst I,
ARINA. Events 13 November 2006 particle burst (4h.20m.); earthquake М=5.0 (6h.30 m.)
EEG signals in “SilEye-3 / Alteino” Answer waves Time between LF and peak of the wave, ms Mσm N P N EEG signal (11 LF) EEG signal in Ground experiments (150 LF) In flight EEG signals parameters