The Music The Chinese have made music since the dawn of Chinese civilization. They had documents and artifacts to prove the evidence of the wonderful music they had, as early as the Zhou dynasty (1122 BC-256 BC). Today in in China the Chinese follow the same tradition as they did back then. More adds to their music and the music becomes better every time someone adds something new.
The Chinese Opera In the operas each characters have a different color of a mask. Each different color means a different role of each character. One of the most famous operas in China is the Monkey King. The children love the opera with all the funny characters. The Monkey King wears a red robe, a yellow mask and hopes around on a stick.
A Legend Of Music It is a legend that Ling Lun was the first one ever to make music in China. He was also the first person to make bamboo pipes that sounded like birds. In the dynasty Era (1122 BCE-1911) the oldest musician made music called Youlan the Solitary Orchid.
Dragon Dance The Dragon Dance The famous dragon dance in China has music. The music is also remembered as a tradition. They put it on at Chinese New Year, where people from across the world see the dancing dragon. No one know when it started but it is said to be started one thousand years ago.
MUSIC The Chinese made a lot of different kinds of music like cant- topop, rock, heavy metal, hip hop, and opera. Will keep on adding to the music to make it their own unique type.
Chinese dance Chinese dances share common themes that reflect Chinese dances share common themes that reflect Stories and feelings of happen, anger and love. Folk dance’s a favorite form of art in china And is hugely popular with the Chinese people.
The Dragon Dance No mater where people in china live. Dragon dancing performances are customary at events like festivals, celebrations, benediction and ceremonies. Over 100diffrent Dragon Dances have developed over thousands of Years of performance. The dragon dance is very important to the people in china. It shows good luck and peace.
The Lion Dance The lion dance is one of the most popular dances in China. The lion is none as the king of the beast in Chinese tradition. The dancers dress up in paper and wood with lots of colors. Lion dance costumes are big lions.
The Chinese Palace Dance The Chinese Palace Dance is traditionally performed in occasions such as grand banquets or playing tribute to emperors. The Chinese Palace dance is a very hard dance. If you want to do the Chinese Palace Dance you have to practice a lot. The costumes are big, dressy and fun.
What materials were used for art work by Chinese people from ancient to modern times In early Chinese history Chinese people used rocks and stones to draw on. In later generations of drawing is paper in the modern time. In early Chinese history Chinese people used rocks and stones to draw on. In later generations of drawing is paper in the modern time. In the ancient times the Chinese people used rocks and stones.1,000 of years ago they found out How to draw.
Chinese People Need Skills To Make Art Chinese people learn from olders. Chinese people don’t just have passions. Chinese people sometimes meditate to learn passions to draw better and to relax. Chinese people have skills like have you seen their cloths.
Great artifacts Chinese people made 200,00 years ago Chinese people made art. have you seen the Terracotta worriers. You can find Chinese art in Toombs of the Chinese. Chinese letters are decorated to look like art.
Wearing art China was called the empire’s clothe because of China’s colorful colors. Chinese people war a whole bunch of beautiful cloths. China made beautiful silk cloths
Memories Chinese people can draw a bug with out even looking at the bug. Chinese people get great memories from remembering their loved ones. Chinese people member stuff rely good just like the days of the week. Chinese people can draw a bug with out even looking at the bug. Chinese people get great memories from remembering their loved ones. Chinese people member stuff rely good just like the days of the week.