4 Types of Listening (Figure 7-1 – p. 214) Discriminative Distinguish among sounds and develop a sensitivity to nonverbal communication Aesthetic Listen for pleasure or enjoyment Efferent Listening to learn and acquire information Critical Evaluate messages to counteract persuasion and propaganda
Aesthetic Listening Interactive Read-Alouds Choosing books Rereading Step by Step – p. 216 Choosing books Choose books you like and think will appeal to students Rereading Children benefit from repeated readings
Benefits of Reading Aloud Stimulates interest Broadens interests and taste for quality literature Introduces students to sounds of written language, genres, and elements of text structure
Benefits of Reading Aloud Expands vocabulary, sentence patterns, and background knowledge Students listen to books that are above their reading level Teachers model what good readers do Students are more likely to become lifelong readers
Responding to Stories Five types of responses Dramatizing – act out story Talking back – to characters to give advice, criticize, or compliment Critiquing control – suggest alternative plots, characters, or settings Inserting – inserts self or friends in story Taking over- take over text to manipulate it in own way
Aesthetic Listening Listening and Viewing Students can make comparisons between book and video version examine conventions used in video productions
Guidelines for Using Videos 1. Preview the video. 2. Plan how to use the video. 3. Set the purpose. 4. Use the pause function. 5. Re-view the video. 6. Vary the procedures used to show videos. 7. Compare the author’s and camera’s views. 8. Respond to the video.
Teaching Aesthetic Listening Strategies Predicting – what will happen next Visualizing – create image or picture in mind Connecting Text-to-text Text-to-self Text-to-world Provide minilessons
Assessing Aesthetic Listening Judge predictions students make Listen to comments as students talk about stories Read entries in students’ reading logs Check that students transfer use of listening strategies to reading and viewing
Efferent Listening Techniques to improve students’ listening Activating background knowledge Anticipation Guide – Step by Step – p. 225 Setting purpose Using manipulatives objects, pictures, photos, word cards, etc. Creating graphic organizers Students take notes
Reading Aloud Informational Books Choose high-quality books Actively involve children in the reading experience Point out features of informational books Teach efferent listening strategies Use graphic organizers Plan oral performances
Reading Aloud Informational Books After reading Talk about the book Complete graphic organizer Write in reading log Create projects – posters, oral reports, found poems, informational quilts (like story quilts)
Teaching Efferent Listening Strategies Organizing T-chart, Venn diagram, cluster diagram, etc. Summarizing Getting clues from speaker Monitoring
Assessing Efferent Listening Objective tests Have students reflect on and talk about the listening strategies they used
Critical Listening Persuasion and Propaganda Strategies Propaganda devices – Figure 7-7 – p. 235 Strategies Ask what is speaker’s/author’s purpose is there intellectual, character, or emotional appeal if propaganda devices are used if deceptive language or inflated language are used
Teaching Critical Listening Have students View commercials Create commercials / advertisements - Step by Step – p. 236 Collect, display, and examine advertisements Listen to read-alouds of trade books Participate in minilessons Assessing Critical Listening
Listening Process Step 1: Receiving The listener receives the aural stimuli, or aural & visual stimuli presented by the speaker.
Listening Process Step 2: Attending Listener focuses on selected stimuli while ignoring distracting stimuli. “Paying attention” component Not necessarily related to physical behaviors
Listening Process Step 3: Assigning Meaning Listener understands the speaker’s message. Uses assimilation & accommodation to fit the message into their existing cognitive structures or to create new structures.
Comprehensive Listening Strategies: Forming pictures or mental images/ Imagery Visualizing strategy Students may form mental images or pictures while listening to messages which include visual descriptions and/or details.
Comprehensive Listening Strategies: Monitoring Students may ask themselves questions to monitor their listening: "Why am I listening?" "What does this mean (in my own words or thoughts)?" "Does this information make sense?" "How can I use this information?“ "What will I have to do with this information?”
Comprehensive Listening Strategies: Asking Questions Students may ask the speaker questions to clarify meaning, deepen their understanding, and/or reduce/eliminate confusion.
Comprehensive Listening Strategies: Discovering the Plan Ability to recognize the organizational plan of the speaker, & to use the plan to understand & remember the message. Teach each organizational pattern separately before requiring students both to identify the correct pattern & to apply the pattern to their listening. Incorporating graphic organizers for each of the organizational patterns allows an auditory message to become more visual.
Comprehensive Listening Strategies: Discovering the Plan Note-taking: Students may apply knowledge of organizational plans & use graphic organizers to assist with note-taking. Organizational Patterns: Categorization Description Sequence Comparison & contrast Cause & effect Problem & solution
Children's Literature Related to Listening Balian, L. (1972). The aminal. New York: Abingdon Press. Keats, E.J. (1962). The snowy day. New York: Viking. Lester, H. (1995). Listen Buddy. New York: Trumpet. Pfeffer, W. (1999). Sounds all around. New York: Scholastic. Root, VSU
Children's Literature Related to Listening (cont.) Showers, P. (1990). Ears are for hearing. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Junior Books. Showers, P. (1961). The listening walk. New York: HarperCollins. Stanley, D. (1983). The conversation club. New York: Macmillan. Wells, R. (1973). Noisy Nora. New York: Dial Press. Root, VSU