Goat Semen Export to Nepal By: Ben Anderchek University of Guelph b/Flag_of_Nepal.svg/1000px-Flag_of_Nepal.svg.png
Nepal Nepal is located in south Asia, between China and India. Nepal’s capital city is Kathmandu. Nepal is made up of three main geographical regions: the Himalayan region, the hills region, and the Terai region. Nepal has five major seasons: spring, summer, fall, winter and monsoon. Population of 30,986,975, with about 46% unemployment rate. 75% of the people in Nepal are involved in agriculture.
Product technology Collection of semen from a male goat (buck) and transferring it to a female goat (doe). Doe needs to be bred two or three times at 12 hour intervals to increase chance of fertilization. Semen can be stored frozen, liquid, or cool in a fridge.
Canadian Supplier The Canadian company we would be dealing with is OC Flock Management. Founded and operated by Lynn Tait and Ileana Wenger in Bowden Alberta. Currently have six different breeds of bucks available for semen. Semen comes frozen in 0.25cc straws. Offer training programs for semen processing, artificial insemination and embryo transfer.
Benefits to Canada Increase demand for goat genetics and semen in Canada. Bring profits to Canadian companies such as OC flock management, as well as Canadian goat farmers. If demand in Nepal becomes large enough it could provide more jobs for Canadian’s in the goat industry /img/345.jpg content/uploads/2013/05/increase-profits.jpg
Benefits to Nepal Goats are a growing business of 4% per year. Can combine high quality Canadian genetics with environmentally adapted Nepalese breeds. Nepalese farmers wouldn’t need to keep bucks for breeding and could sell them for meat instead. Increase genetic quality of goat herds. Increase family incomes
Target Consumer Primarily farmers in the hills region where goat population is 300,071. Also goat farmers in other regions. Livestock production provides 20% of the household income in the hills region. Take advantage of a large industry in Nepal and increase genetics so smaller producers can generate higher income from fewer goats.
Shipping/Marketing Have sales representatives go into hills and inform farmers of product and its potential. Get an estimate on how much semen should be sent over. Ship semen by air from Calgary to Kathmandu. store semen in a liquid nitrogen container when shipping, size will be determined by demand.
Conclusion Poor quality goats in Nepal. Use artificial insemination to improve genetics in goat herds. Provide more money for families in the goat industry in Nepal
Further information Ben Anderchek University of Guelph in partnership with IDRC CIFSRF and DFAIT Faculty Sponsor: Prof. Manish Raizada
References Naturally Nepal. (2012). Nepal Tourism Board. Retrieved November 10, 2014,from nepal.com/promotional/ The World Factbook Nepal. (n.d.). Central Intelligence Agency. Retrieved November 10, 2014, from OC Flock Management. (n.d.). Retrieved November 10, 2014, from Smith, J. (2009, April). Artificial Insemination of Dairy Goats. Retrieved October 4, 2014, from Haenlein, G., Caccese, R., & Smith, M. (2014, May 10). Artificial Insemination. Retrieved October 5, 2014, from FAO. (2010, June). Market-led Quality Meat Production and Processing. Retrieved October 7, 2014, from ftp://ftp.fao.org/TC/CPF/Country NMTPF/Nepal/thematic studies/Market-Led Meat _Comments Adjusted_.pdf Ghimire, S. (n.d.). The Role of Small Ruminants. Retrieved October 7, 2014, from /docrep/004/T0706E/T0706E05.htm