R. TURNAGE SPANISH TUTORIALS Regular Commands R. Turnage Spanish 2008
How to Conjugate Take the verb Take off the ending Add the new ending according to the pronoun R. Turnage Spanish 2008 Hablar
The Tú Form PronounPositiveNegative TúTú-a(no) -es With –AR verbs With –ER and –IR verbs PronounPositiveNegative Tú-e(no) -as R. Turnage Spanish 2008
The Usted Form PronounPositiveNegative Usted-e(no) -e With –AR verbs With –IR/-ER verbs PronounPositiveNegative Usted-a(no) -a R. Turnage Spanish 2008
The Ustedes Form PronounPositiveNegative Ustedes-en(no) -en PronounPositiveNegative Ustedes-an(no) -an With –AR verbs With –IR/ER verbs R. Turnage Spanish 2008
The Nosotros Form With –AR verbs PronounPositiveNegative Nosotros-emos(no) -emos With –ER/IR verbs PronounPositiveNegative Nosotros-amos(no) -amos R. Turnage Spanish 2008
R. TURNAGE SPANISH TUTORIALS Putting in Sense R. Turnage Spanish 2008
Remembering the Usted vs. Tú Form In the –AR conjugation, The tú form uses just the a, but in the negative uses the opposite –ER/IR conjugation “es” The usted form uses the opposite “e” for both parts In the –ER/IR conjugation, The tú form uses just the e, but in the negative uses the opposite –AR conjugation “as” The usted form uses the opposite “a” for both parts R. Turnage Spanish 2008
Remembering the Usted vs. Tú Form (cont’d) The difference: With the tú forms, use the common letter of that verb type without the s. In the negative use the opposite letter type with the s. Ex: Hablar; common letter: a; Habl ar a Result: Habla With the usted forms, use the common letter of the opposite conjugation for both forms. Ex: Hablar; common letter (of ER/IR): e; Hablar e Result: Hable The difference: With the tú forms, use the common letter of that verb type without the s. In the negative use the opposite letter type with the s. Ex: Hablar; common letter: a; Habl ar a Result: Habla With the usted forms, use the common letter of the opposite conjugation for both forms. Ex: Hablar; common letter (of ER/IR): e; Hablar e Result: Hable R. Turnage Spanish 2008
The Ustedes and Nosotros Forms With the Ustedes form, just add an “n” to the conjugated Usted form With the Nosotros form, just take the regular present tense and change to the other form’s common letter Ex: Nosotros hablamos Hablemos The negative stays the same. Ex: No hablemos Remember that the translation for the Nosotros form is “Let’s __” With the Ustedes form, just add an “n” to the conjugated Usted form With the Nosotros form, just take the regular present tense and change to the other form’s common letter Ex: Nosotros hablamos Hablemos The negative stays the same. Ex: No hablemos Remember that the translation for the Nosotros form is “Let’s __” R. Turnage Spanish 2008
All Conjugations The following chart shows all imperative conjugations: Verb You (Tú)/You (Usted) You allWe You (Tú)/You (Usted) (n) You all (n) We (n) HablarHabla/HableHablenHablemos No hables/No hable No hablenNo hablemos ComerCome/ComaComanComamos No comas/No coma No comanNo comamos VivirVive/VivaVivanVivamos No vivas/no viva No vivanNo vivamos EstudiarEstudia/EstudieEstudienEstudiemosNo estudies/No estudie No estudien No estudiemos R. Turnage Spanish 2008
ROBERT TURNAGE R. Turnage Spanish Gracias por mirar Spanish Tutorials