Working with Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers Tammy Austin-Ketch, RN, MS, CS-FNP Clinical Assistant Professor University at Buffalo Doctoral Student SPM
Model of Outreach Care An outreach model of care is employed to enhance and facilitate participation in health care activities. A mobile clinic is utilized at the place of employment of the farm workers. The mobile unit is staffed with an attending physician, family medicine residents, a nurse practitioner, medical and nurse practitioner students, interpreters, and nurses.
Model of Outreach Care Our mobile unit is equipped with a mobile pharmacy to eliminate the extra trip and cost of purchasing medications from a community pharmacy. Removes the known barriers of transportation, cost, language barriers, and difficulty navigating our complicated Western medicine model.
Model of Outreach Care Health care and health education are provided in a familiar, “safe” client driven environment by a team of providers that are well known to the migrant and seasonal farmwork community.
Model of Outreach Care Infants and children enrolled in Agri-Business Daycare centers have also been a major focus of health education. Obesity has become a major concern in this group.
Future Interdisciplinary Research Clinical Dietetic Student Interns Summer Internship working collaboratively with FNP students and faculty. Area of clinical research- dietary patterns and habits of Hispanic children and weight trend changes over time.
Future Interdisciplinary Research Social Work students (UG) and interns (MSW) Unique opportunities to assist a vulnerable population with a variety of social issues and to evaluate effectiveness of the interventions that were undertaken. Graduate School of Education Provide educational reinforcement of concepts presented in the previous school year and to evaluate the effects of frequent mobility on retention of curricular content.
Future Interdisciplinary Research School of Dentistry Effects of transient lifestyle, inadequate access, and limited dental hygiene information on dental health. Potential to study long-term health complications related to poor dental hygiene.
Future Interdisciplinary Research School of Public Health and Health Related Professions Effects of lifestyle on chronic disease states Mortality studies Nutrition and obesity studies Pesticide exposure and toxicity studies Infant mortality