Introducing StoreTrader Live Pharmacy Edition The real-time PoS system for independent pharmacies
In a typical community pharmacy space is at a premium
StoreTrader Live Pharmacy Edition Manage all kinds of retail transactions with customers Create supplier orders, or ask for the system to generate them Send orders electronically to suppliers Get immediate confirmation of deliveries Book deliveries into stock Transfer stock to other branches Update product prices and descriptions, and create new products, automatically, from C+D and any other supplier data... - all at the touchscreen PoS terminal. With this single integrated system you can...
Pharmacy Edition screen style Several assistants can be signed on simultaneously These keys switch to supplier orders and stock management Optimised for pharmacy operations
Scan each item’s barcode... Serving a customer... Press a preset key... Search for the item based on part of its description..
... or key the PIP code
StoreTrader calculates any discount offers
You can set up preset keys for common transactions
The customer’s mobile phone is ringing... While waiting for the customer to finish her call, you can switch into Order Manager to create a supplier order... This suspends the sale at this point...
... and you can sign into Order Manager
Create a new order Creating a supplier order...
Select a supplier
... and ask the system to create orders for all products below stock level
Now you can change the order quantity on any of these products
... in this case from 4 to 10
The customer has finished the phone call. Now she wants to pay, so back to StoreTrader to take payment
This preset has been set up for quick cash sales And this gives other tender types Collecting the payment from an account customer...
... or you can take a part cash payment and part on account by keying the amount Just press this key to put the total amount on account
Identifying the customer... If the customer has an account card, swipe it through the card reader
... or look up the customer account by name
The customer signs this copy The receipt is printed
And takes this receipt Customer receipt
Now, back to that supplier order...
Request transmission... Press the Update button Open
This option requests order transmission To send it to the supplier
Sending the order...
... and the system reports progress as the order is transmitted, and the replies are received back.
We’ve just had some stock delivered so switch to Stock Manager... And sign on
Booking in stock This will be a Stock In, but you can also transfer stock to other branches
Usually you want to refer to the original supplier order, but you have lots of other options Booking against an original order...
Select the order...
Select each line... Select each product expected...
The system had assumed 10 but we’ve changed this to 8 Confirm quantities delivered...
Stock Manager automatically moves on a line at a time so this is very quick. Booking-in complete! Of course, you can interrupt and switch to StoreTrader to serve a customer at any time
StoreTrader Live Pharmacy Edition And also... Automatic update of Product and Customer records Enterprise Server to manage a network of stores Access to all reports from a web browser Comprehensive support for all retail transactions Supplier order management Electronic transmission to suppliers Stock deliveries and transfers At the touchscreen till...
Automatic product update Behind the scenes, StoreTrader receives updates to the C+D file... So product details are always up to date! Compares them with the StoreTrader Product file... Adds new products... And updates changed prices and descriptions. + £
Enterprise Server Consolidates sales and stock data, and gives central control Tills Pharmacies Head Office EnterpriseStore 1PoS 1PoS 2Store 2PoS 3Store 3PoS 4Store 4PoS 5
‘Manage’ any store from Head Office
Get real-time reports, by store & consolidated
And with StoreTrader Live, get them from anywhere on the Web!
StoreTrader Live Pharmacy Edition Gives you real-time control of your Pharmacy shop!