Pressure Regulator Comparison What should your regulator do… REGULATE OR STRANGULATE?
How do you define a good regulator? By how little the actual downstream pressure deviates from the set point.
How the Test was done… Regulators purchased from Authorized Distributors Set at 30 psi Using city water averaging 95 PSI Downstream ball valve slowly opened to allow 6 gpm flow
Test #1 The Discount Regulator
Preset at 30 psi
Drops to about 7½ psi
Test #2 An Internationally known brand
Preset at 30 psi
Drops to 14 psi
Test #3 Plast-O-Matic spring loaded regulator
Preset at 30 psi
Drops to 23 psi
Test #4 Plast-O-Matic air loaded regulator & patented Stabilizer
Preset at 30 psi
Drops to 29.5 psi
Plast-O-Matic Regulators Better flow Less Drop-off from set pressure