ISKCONISKCON RELS 225 Cults and New Religious Movements RELS 225 Cults and New Religious Movements.


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Presentation transcript:

ISKCONISKCON RELS 225 Cults and New Religious Movements RELS 225 Cults and New Religious Movements

Asian Influence in the USA Turn to the East in Asian Exclusion Act until Asian Exclusion Act 1965 Hinduism 4 million practicing Transcendental Meditation in the US at one point Ragneesh (“Osho” from 1989 on) Pete Townsend (the Who)Pete Townsend “Between 1969 and 1971 Townsend, along with other devotees to Meher Baba, recorded a trio of albums devoted to the yogi's teachings: Happy Birthday, I Am, and With Love.” See O ParvardigarMeher BabaHappy BirthdayI AmWith LoveO Parvardigar

1893: World Parliament of Religions Next to the World Fair in Chicago Attended by thousands Dominantly Christian, but some Shinto, Zen, Hindu practitioners. Small, unassuming Hindu was the star: Vivekananda

ISKCON (Hare Krishna) Mantra: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare HareMantra George Harrison (After the breakup of the Beatles) My Sweet Lord All his love songs: he’s not singing to a woman. Boy George

History of Hare Krishna A sect of Hinduism. Not really a NRM. Only new to us in North America. “Hinduism” is multi-form, although now it is becoming homogenized. Krishna Consciousness is from the Middle Ages in the form of Gaudiya Vaishnava.Gaudiya Vaishnava ISKCON founded in 1966 in New York City by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami PrabhupadaA.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Two styles of Hinduism: Monism & Bhakti Monism Philosophical The One (Theosophy) Rooted in the Upanishads (5 th Century BCE) Brahman is One. Chandayoga Upanishad: “Tat vam asi” “That art thou” Become ready for this by practicing yoga. Surrender to a guru. Humiliation to show non-egoism Key to salvation is knowing (knowledge) Only when you have correct knowledge do you know how to love.

Two styles of Hinduism: Monism & Bhakti Bhakti Devotion ISKCON falls into this category Like Christianity, with a God of Love. Out of true love comes knowledge. Bhagavad Gita Krishna plays a flute, advises Arjuna: Arjuna has a dilemma: killing relatives in battle. Lesson: no choice but to fight and fulfill your social duty as a warrior. Do your duty without concern for personal benefit. How? Focus attention on me & I will assist you to do it with purity & detachment.

Medieval Origins Krishna bhakti movement founded by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu A late medieval saint from NE India, travelled all over India; popular. Revival in late 19 th Century Caitanya initiated sankirtana a practice requiring followers to dance in the streets, singing praises of Lord Krishna.

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Had been manager in a chemical firm, until his retirement in Had published in English Spiritual master was Bhaktisiddhanta (died 1936) Instructed ACB to carry the teachings of Krishna Consciousness to the West. Published Back to Godhead magazine, used to promote his movement in America. Took order of sannyasa (religious ascetic, dedicated to religious cause) at age 59.

Growth in America On a steamer, Prabhupada came to New York in 1965 with $50 in his pocket. Wanders around Greenwich Village Bumps into hippies, who become his first disciples. By 1967, dozens of centres 1987: 50 temples in US, 1775 other temples around world Recruited alienated youth from the counterculture. Membership began to decline in 1974 As a missionary movement, ISKCON was opportunistic in its recruitment strategies.

AppearanceAppearance Sikha: Men shave head, To avoid vanity except for a tuft at the end. Signifies surrender to guru and Krishna

AppearanceAppearance Dhoti: Men wear robe: white Saffron if far along. Formal wear in India. Sari Women wear traditional Indian garb Any colour, but modest

AppearanceAppearance Tilak Dab of clay down the middle of forehead Reminder that body is temple of lord. Body must be pure, in all you eat & do.

PracticesPractices Kritan (video)Kritan Chanting for hours to get into a state Centre of religion Prasadam (link to explanation)Prasadam Free food distribution Famous for its cuisine All food is an offering to the Lord Also, giving to emergency relief, like Red Cross.

BeliefsBeliefs Not sophisticated doctrine Until recently, women had to hope for reincarnation as a man Emphasizes orthopraxis over orthodoxy.

TeachingsTeachings 1.Find blissful consciousness is this lifetime. 2.We are spirit souls, parts of God. 3.Krsna is omni-everything, father & sustainer 4.Absolute truth is in all great scriptures, But the Bhagavad Gita is oldest, the literal record of God’s actual words. 5.Learn from an unselfish focussed guru 6.Offer food to Krsna before entry 7.All actions are for Krsna, not for our sense gratification. 8.To achieve love of God, recommended chant Lord’s names, e.g., mantra We are in the end times; The universe is near its end (Apocalyptic)

KrishnaKrishna Krsna is worshipped in one of his manifestations: a charming young man living in a village. Beautiful, mischievous, girls all in love with him. Approachably human, metaphoricized as love. You’re supposed to fall in love with him. Radha the gopi receives special favour.

Nature of humanity Traditional Hindu view. We are spirit souls Obtain release from this material existence if you can. A world of sadness, woe. Reincarnation is not a good thing Karma Death & the Afterlife (escaping samsara) One ceases to exist & becomes one with Krishna.

The Good life Highly prescriptive, puritanical religion Ascetic. Wear this, get up at this time, chant this number of mantras. Very strict dietary rules. Men & women live separately; highly chaperoned. In favour of children. The ritual is not magical; it reminds you of what your inner discipline is. Pacifist; communal.

OverallOverall Particularistic religion. It’s the ultimate religion. Good book (in our library): Canadian Susan Palmer, Moon Sisters, Krishna Mothers, Rajneesh Lovers: Women's Roles in New Religions.

DeclineDecline Charges of brainwashing from anti-cultists Media portrayed it as a dangerous cult. Alternate fundraising Had been bookselling Branched into music, art. Dressed as Santa Claus soliciting donations Movement became financially-driven, rather than principle- driven (spreading the movement) Now, ISKCON’s sectarian lifestyle has given way to domesticity: jobs, families, etc. ISKCON’s temples are used by thousands of East Indian immigrants in North America. “A faith too accommodated to worldliness lacks power for conversion” (Rodney Stark)