IT RESERVATION SYSTEM IT Equipment Reservation System has been developed for SK LKTP Belitong to replace the manual system. To make a reservation of IT equipments such as Notebook, LCD Projector, Camera, Video Camera, Screen Projector and Pen Drive through the internet. The system used to ensure all IT equipments are recorded systematically and easier to manage.
IT RESERVATION SYSTEM Facilitate the users to make the reservation of IT equipments quickly and paperless. Ensure that all IT equipments are recorded systematically and efficiency. Maximize the use of IT equipments in the class for teaching and learning. Approve the users’ reservations easily and quickly. IT equipments can be managed easier.
IT RESERVATION SYSTEM No web-based system to make the reservation. The school only provides the manual form to make the reservation. It is difficult to manage and record IT equipments using the manual form. A lot of paper has been used for the reservation. The reservation process is complicated.
IT RESERVATION SYSTEM Teachers Staff Asset Officer
IT RESERVATION SYSTEM Transform the manual system to the web-based system. The system allows user to make a reservation more than one of IT equipment in the same time. Can make a reservation quickly and easily through the internet. Can generate report anytime and everywhere.
0. Make a reservation of IT equipment. 1. Go to IT equipment reservation system. 2. Read the details of IT Equipment Reservation System. 3. Go to the application form Enter user id Fill in the reservation details. 4. Submit the form. 5. Check the reservation status. 6. Print out the reservation details. 7. Go to login account. 8. Enter user id & password. 9. Go to the application list Check the application forms Update the application status. 10. Print the report. Plan 0 : Do (If the user is a teacher or staff) else Do ; repeat 8 until user id and password correctly entered. Plan 3 : Do 3.1; repeat 3.1 until user id correctly entered, then Do 3.2. Plan 9 : Do to approve the application.
Mr. Mohamad Zaki Bin Mohamad Ariff as a project manager and a programmer. Mrs. Norazlia Bin Hassim as a business analyst, a system designer and a web designer. Ms.Visalatchmi A/P Rajasvaran as a software engineer and a test engineer
IT RESERVATION SYSTEM The reservation of IT equipment can be recorded systematically and quickly. All the IT equipments also can be managed easier. The system is completed as planned. The elements of human computer interaction has been applied in the system development.