Morning Geometry! Please do the following: 1)Pick up Entry Ticket and U1L9 from the side shelf. 2)Take out HW #13 and ruler, compass, and protractor. Homework: o HW #14 Pg. 304 #2-8, 12-14, 16, 18, 22 Updates:3 rd period Unit 1 Quiz 3 is 9/15 (Monday) 4 th period Unit 1 Quiz 3 is 9/15 (Monday) Unit 1 Quiz 3 is 2.5, , 5.1 3° Due – 9/11 4° Due – 9/12 3° Due – 9/11 4° Due – 9/12
Agenda 1)Entry Ticket 2)Homework #13 Solutions 3)Finish U1L8 4)U1L9 5)Cool-Down… 6)Notecards Students who need to take Assessments: 3 rd Period – Maddie (U1Q2) 4 th Period – Daniel R. (U1Q2)
Entry Ticket
Homework #13 - Pg. 175 #1-3, 5, 9-21
Perpendicular Lines (3.4) Attempt Practice 3 on your guided notes, if you need support first discuss with your tablemates and if you need more assistance then raise your hand and will be there. o What do the arrows in the middle of a line tell us? o What does the box tell us?
Learning Objective By the end of this period you will be able to: o Discover theorems about perpendicular and angle bisectors using constructions. o Apply theorems of perpendicular and angle bisectors.
Perpendicular and Angle Bisectors (5.1) Break up the word equidistance into two words. What do you picture this word to mean? Equidistant o A point that is the same distance from two or more objects.
Perpendicular and Angle Bisectors (5.1) Raise your hand if you do not have a protractor. Raise your hand if you do not have a compass. Raise your hand if you do not have a ruler. I will need all these materials back by the end of the period!
Perpendicular and Angle Bisectors (5.1) Steps for Drawing Perpendicular Bisector: 1. Draw a reference line. 2. Label the endpoints A and B. 3. Place the pointed end of you compass on A and stretch your compass almost to point B (do not touch B and do not go past B). 4. Keeping your pointed end on A, make an arc above segment AB and below segment AB. 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 (do not widen or lessen your compass’s length) but with the pointed end of your compass on B. 6. Make a straight line using your ruler connecting the intersections of your arcs. 7. Label the top intersection as X and the midpoint of segment AB as Y. Answer the questions on your guided notes based on your construction.
Perpendicular and Angle Bisectors (5.1) Notice how the theorem is written as a conditional statement (If-Then), Using a highlighter, highlight the hypothesis (p). Using a different highlighter, highlight the conclusion (q). In the same highlighter colors lets highlight our drawing!
Perpendicular and Angle Bisectors (5.1) o What do we remember about the converse? o What will the theorem for the converse be? Converse of the Perpendicular Bisector Theorem If a point is equidistant from the endpoints of a segment, then it is on the perpendicular bisector of the segment. See if you can sketch the same diagram for the converse! Notice how the theorem is written as a conditional statement (If-Then), Using a highlighter, highlight the hypothesis (p). Using a different highlighter, highlight the conclusion (q). In the same highlighter colors lets highlight our drawing!
Perpendicular and Angle Bisectors (5.1) We will do practice (1)a. together than I expect you to attempt (b-c).
Perpendicular and Angle Bisectors (5.1) Steps for Drawing Angle Bisector: 1. Draw a reference line. This reference line will be a ray. Label the endpoint P and a point on the ray B. 2. Draw a second ray. Now you have an angle. 3. Place the pointed part of your compass on P and stretch it out such that your pencil is on B. With your compasses length make a dot on your second ray. This dot is A. 4. Place the pointed part of your compass on B and stretch it out such that it almost touches A (is does not touch it nor goes past it). Make an arc. 5. Place the pointed part of your compass on A and without changing its length make another arc. 6. Connect P and the intersection. Label the intersection C. This is your bisected angle!
Perpendicular and Angle Bisectors (5.1) Steps for Drawing Angle Bisector: Now we are going to take a short-cut since I do not want to take too long on constructions. 7. Using your protractor, find the point on ray PC that will make a perpendicular line at B. Then do the same for point A. Label the point on ray PC, M. Answer the questions on your guided notes based on your construction. Notice how the theorem is written as a conditional statement (If-Then), Using a highlighter, highlight the hypothesis (p). Using a different highlighter, highlight the conclusion (q). In the same highlighter colors lets highlight our drawing!
Perpendicular and Angle Bisectors (5.1) o What will the theorem for the converse be? Converse of the Angle Bisector Theorem If a point in the interior of an angle is equidistant from the sides of the angle, then it is on the bisector of the angle. See if you can sketch the same diagram for the converse! Notice how the theorem is written as a conditional statement (If-Then), Using a highlighter, highlight the hypothesis (p). Using a different highlighter, highlight the conclusion (q). In the same highlighter colors lets highlight our drawing!
Perpendicular and Angle Bisectors (5.1) Attempt Practice (2) a-b. See what you and your tablemates can do!
Cool-Down… Take and Pass o Write your seat number in the bolded box provided. o Write one sentence about anything we discussed today. o Now go find someone with the same seat number and switch papers (do not worry you will get your paper back ) o On your peers paper write one definition you do not want to forget. Now go find another person with the same seat number and switch papers. o Write one sentence on a topic that has been difficult for you. o Go find the guided notes original owner and give it back to them.
Cool-Down… Take and Pass o Read what the other students wrote. Lets go around and hear some of what you all wrote!
Notecards! We are finally going to have time set aside to do notecards! Take out the pack of notecards you were asked to buy from syllabus. On one side you will write the word and on the other side you will write your definition or draw a picture. If you are not working on the notecards you will loose participation points; this will only improve your studying skills hence your assessment grade.