Welcome Apprenticeships Date – 12 May 2009 Presented to – Provider Forum By – Diane Wilford
Apprenticeship ambitions What are Apprenticeships? Whey employers like Apprenticeships Online Apprenticeship vacancy matching service National Apprenticeship Service Agenda
400,000 Apprentices in England by 2020 – increasingly Advanced Apprenticeships 250,000 starts and 190,000 completions One in five young people to undertake an Apprenticeship An Apprenticeship place for each suitably qualified young person from Entitlement Apprenticeship Ambitions
Apprenticeship and Advanced Apprenticeships National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) Key skills in Application of Number and Communication Technical Certificate Employee Rights and Responsibilities Over 190 different frameworks across 80 sectors Apprenticeships
Additional learning support e.g. literacy and numeracy Additional social needs e.g. significant problems with confidence, self-esteem, motivation or attendance Exceptional learner support Apprenticeships
Eligible learners resident in England completed school not in full-time Further Education not in Higher Education Learners not eligible graduates, expect those who have participated in the New Deal and are in the eligible client group (LSC Funding Guidance 2008/09 Learner Eligibility Guidance) Apprenticeships
Minimum £80 per week* for year olds and 19+ learners in first year of apprenticeship thereafter national minimum rate of pay Terms and conditions as per contract hours; less with LSC approval, Learners can apply for career development loans T: * £95 from 1 August 2009 Apprenticeships
Funding & priorities – Fully funded Adults – Employer contribution focus on work returners, first level 2/3 Apprenticeships
Compelling evidence that Apprenticeships Improve Business Performance in key areas: Increased competitiveness Higher productivity Improved quality of work Reduced costs Increase employee satisfaction Higher staff retention Stronger career progression More diverse workforce Why get involved
95+ Apprenticeship providers in EM L&R: Participation 07/08 - 4,608 Success rate 07/08 – 66%; 1,240 completions Inspection grades – no inadequate provision Work Based Academy – provider network Apprenticeship Providers
Available since January 2009 Web based system Comprehensive information on providers Search for vacancies across the country Apply on-line Track progress of applications Online Apprenticeship vacancy matching service
New organisation End-to-end responsibility for delivery of service and targets A separate and distinct service within the LSC Operates at national and sub-regional level Operational from April 2009 National Apprenticeship Service
A dedicated field force: complementing the skills brokerage service work with employers and Apprentices from initial interest to completion and progression to help careers guidance staff in schools and colleges to manage relationships with other stakeholders, including Local Authorities and Sector Skills Councils. National Apprenticeship Service
Diane Wilford Employer Services Manager National Apprenticeship Service