Microsoft Office System OSIsoft Technology Seminar ‘07 Jon Barrett Solutions Specialist - Government & Utilities Microsoft Australia
Content management Workflow & Portal Business intelligence Business intelligence SearchSearch Unified Communications & Collaboration Word processing Business modeling Presentations Business data management Information Management
Servers Client s Service s
Integrate disparate business systems High performance ETL, OLAP, data mining and reporting LOB data and XML, web service, RSS sources Enterprise grade and affordable Easily analyze complex business information Native Excel support for SQL Server Analysis Services Rich visualization with Office applications Ready access to LOB data with Business Data Catalog Empower decisions at all levels Comprehensive BI portal with integrated Search Server-based Excel spreadsheets and calculations Flexible KPI’s, reports and scorecards
Manage diverse content One topology for web, document and records management Content types with metadata, policy and workflow Search across multiple repositories and LOB systems Satisfy compliance requirements Document retention Access and usage control Legal discovery and hold Eliminate multiple web publishing channels User authoring and publishing Multi-lingual and mobile device support Reduce paper and manual processes Electronic forms for data accuracy and validation One form for client, browser, mobile devices
SharePoint Smart Connected Workspaces Individual (MySite) Enterprise (Portal) Division (Portal) Team (Team Sites)
SharePoint Smart Connected Workspaces Content-centric Tailored to needs of Office users Connected Users can search, store, and revise content from a central location Portal redefined A user’s workspace is both the Smart Client and the Thin Client Scalable 10,000’s of pages per server 1,000’s of users per server Individual Enterprise Division Team
Enterprise Content Management Make it simple to author and manage content and documents Collaboration Keep co-workers, partners and customers in sync SharePoint 2007 Investments To Meet The Organizational Needs For The New World Of Work Knowledge Discovery and Insight Make the right information available to more people Personal Productivity Increase employee self-sufficiency and effectiveness Fundamentals Make it more secure, manageable and reliable Information Worker Solutions Build client and web-based applications with workflow and line-of-business interoperability
SharePoint Feature Areas Docs/tasks/calendars, blogs, wikis, integration, project management “lite”, Outlook integration, offline docs/lists Collaboration BusinessIntelligence Portal Enterprise Portal template, Site Directory, My Sites, social networking, privacy control Enterprise scalability, contextual relevance, rich people and business data search Rich and Web forms based front-ends, LOB actions, pluggable SSO Server-based Excel spreadsheets and data visualization, Report Center, BI Web Parts, KPIs/Dashboards Integrated document management, records management, and Web content management with policies and workflow Business Forms Search ContentManagement PlatformServices Workspaces, Mgmt, Security, Storage, Topology, Site Model
Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) Benefits Collaborate on documents Share information Manage virtual teams Key Features Presence integration Versioning, Check-in/Check-out Shared calendars and discussions Office client Integration Alerts Website framework Documents Discussions TasksContacts Surveys Members Calendar Team … Providing collaboration Infrastructure for team workspaces
SharePoint Server Benefits Organize collaborative workspaces across enterprise Aggregate corporate knowledge Personalize content access Integrate enterprise applications and information Key Features Profile and provision all sites LOB Single Sign-on MySite-Public and Private EAI BizTalk Adaptor Enterprise wide search Browse by topic Web Parts Benefits Ease of use, deployment and customization Connect collaborative people and workspaces Find and utilize information Integrate people with business processes Enterprise portal application
Collaboration and Communication Feedback and trends Heterogeneous communications Geographically dispersed teams Multiple information repositories Difficult knowledge transfer Advances in 2003 Self-service team collaboration sites and workspaces Live Meeting and Live Communications Server introduced 2007 Microsoft Office system goal Simplify working together to keep coworkers, customers and partners in sync
MS Web Parts AnnouncementsMembers Events Contacts Links
Beta software, subject to change Collaboration and Communication Project Management Lite in SharePoint Generates a Gantt chart Promote to Project Server Project task list in SharePoint sites for ad-hoc projects Simple list of tasks and dependencies
Collaboration and Communication Integrated communications Pre-release software, subject to change Integrated phone/voice experience Ubiquitous presence information Easy escalation to web conferencing Rich multimedia interactions
Surveys … Documents Discussions TasksContacts Members Calendar Team Flexible workspace collaboration tools that match how work gets done Rich client Mobile Cross- organization Small teams Short term Thinclient Thin client Broad reach Searchable Communities Scalability & Availability Long term Ad hoc
Collaboration and Communication Groove – ad hoc workspaces Pre-release software, subject to change Notification-driven ‘swarming’ Rich, extensible set of tools Contextual communications Workspace member presence More secure, cross-organization information sharing and collaboration
Enterprise Content Management Feedback and trends Exponential growth in electronic content Corporate compliance, regulation and governance Protect information and intellectual property Existing solutions expensive and difficult to use Advances in 2003 Create and access Document Libraries from within Office programs Support for Information Rights Management 2007 Microsoft Office system goal Streamline processes and content management
Enterprise Content Management Document repositories Pre-release software, subject to change Establish enterprise- approved content types Manage large document sets Manage document approval and versions Search for documents through metadata
Enterprise Content Management Capturing rich metadata on the Office client Pre-release software, subject to change Capture meta data as part of authoring process Customizable document information panel based on InfoPath technology Define required metadata in content type definition
Enterprise Content Management Document approval workflow Pre-release software, subject to change Setting up document approval Automatically stop the workflow Serial, parallel, delegation, and changes
Enterprise Content Management Records management Pre-release software, subject to change Customize policies by content type Vault behavior to ensure content integrity Store multiple record types including Selectively track, audit and expire content
Enterprise Content Management Extending the reach of forms Forms in Outlook Forms in browser Pre-release software, subject to change
Business Intelligence Feedback and trends Difficult to find corporate information and experts Key performance indicators to align business execution BI tools disconnected from how people actually work Desire to get more out of data warehouse investments Advances in 2003 Broad search in SharePoint Portal Server Advanced project management in Project Server Research task pane integration 2007 Microsoft Office system goal Make the right information available to more people to improve business insight
Excel 2007 Browser View and Interact Custom applications Programmatic Access Excel 2007 Export/Snapshot into Excel Publish Spreadsheets Business Intelligence Excel services Office SharePoint Servers Protect, share and reuse spreadsheets Spreadsheets stored in document libraries Server calculation and rendering External data retrieval and caching Choose the parts you want to publish Open snapshots Open full spreadsheet High quality web rending Zero-footprint Interactive Set and get spreadsheet values Perform calculations Retrieve full workbook file
Business Intelligence Personalized report centers Pre-release software, subject to change Create new reports to share Personalized report delivery Search for reports and dashboards
Business Intelligence Business intelligence dashboards Pre-release software, subject to change KPI lists Common filters Live Excel spreadsheets
Business Intelligence Easily find trends in data Pre-release software, subject to change Length of bar depends on values in each cell Color based on whether the quantity exceeds, or falls below defined target Length of bar depends on values in each cell Choose data bars, color gradients or icons to ‘see’ your data
Business Intelligence Business data in lists Pre-release software, subject to change LOB actions Data from ERP system
Business Intelligence Customer search across repositories Pre-release software, subject to change Customer data from SAP system
Business Intelligence LOB application integration Pre-release software, subject to change Receive LOB reports in your Outlook inbox and work offline Enable users to work directly with line-of- business information within Office applications Use Outlook calendar as a front-end for SAP Time Recording
Business Scorecard Manager Excel chart of project budgets Business Intelligence Integrated visibility to information on project investments
Portal - Enterprise Search Search across the enterprise from your portal Pre-release software, subject to change Query correction did you mean…? Query hit highlighting Alerts on search results Tabbed user interface
Portal - Corporate Dashboard
Portal - Plant Dashboard
Portal - Unit Detail
Portal - Unit Status
Drill to Asset Level Access to “Experts on Tap” for immediate help Portal – Unit Component
Portal - Work Orders & Real Time Data
SharePoint Smart Connected Workspaces Individual (MySite) Enterprise (Portal) Division (Portal) Team (Team Sites)
My Site – Asset Manager
Fundamentals The XML bet for 2007 office XML will be the default format for Word, Excel, PowerPoint in 2007 Open and fully documented format Royalty free license Compact, robust file format Amazing biz process integration scenarios Backwards compatible to Office 2000 Continued support for binary formats “Microsoft Ends Era Of Closed File Formats” — Slashdot
Rich Client Interaction – Excel & DataLink
Logical Architecture User on Windows Smart Client GrooveOutlook Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) CommunicatorInternet Explorer Windows XP Windows Server 2003 Exchange Server Windows SharePoint Services Groove Management Service Live Communications Server Live Meeting Service Secure Internet Services Windows Rights Management Services Groove Relay Service
Copyright ©2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.