Tuesday, March 17 th 2015
Incredible Opportunities Largest co-ed organization at CHHS Over 200 students Highest GPA average on campus Leadership training and skill building Perform at halftime at all Varsity football games Perform at all pep rallys The best time-management prep for life after high school Marching Band travels to Houston and Broken Arrow, OK to compete Spring Trip to Disney World
Course Credit All students in band receive the following credit: 1 Fine Arts Credit for the year.5 P.E. Credit waver for marching band This is the ONLY activity at CHHS that offers this deal! Marching Band is required of all band members ○ Varsity sports conflicts: see a director
GCISD Band Orientation “Hype Day!” Saturday, April 18th 9am-4pm Morning Session: 9am-12:00pm (8 th Grade) Afternoon Session: 1pm-4pm (8 th + Returning) Colleyville MS Stadium & Gym Intro to marching fundamentals for all GCISD Band students Will include a fun Social event! Lunch is included for all 8 th graders Parent Demo at 3:15pm
Spring Marching Band Workshops Mandatory Workshop 5:00-7:30pm Workshop 5:00-7:30pm Workshop 5:00-7:30pm * Workshop 8:00-10:00am *Individual Auditions & Registration begin at 10:30 on this day
Registration and Audition Saturday, April 25 th CHHS Band Hall Morning Rehearsal: 8am-10am Auditions & Registration: 10:30am-4pm (by instrument) First payment of $100 Due Will be able to order uniform items and spirit wear for next season
CHHS Band Member Meeting Mandatory for Parents AND Students Tuesday, May 5 th 7:00-8:30pm CHHS Band Hall Summer Band and Fall Rehearsal Schedules given Parents begin to sign up for volunteer opportunities
Summer Band Camp Begins Wednesday, July 29 th Mandatory for course credit Please schedule family vacations before this date Percussion/Guard Camps in June/July See Calendar for detailsCalendar
Band Fee: $650 The fee offers our band program opportunity to more than what the district budget provides This includes the following: Instructors and consultants Marching band music and drill design Additional equipment/uniform needs Additional transportation
Payment Schedule $100 - April 25 th $150 - May 25 th $150 - June 25 th $150 -July 25 th $100 - August 25 th Total: $650 Sibling Discount 50% for the 2 nd student 25% for the 3 rd and beyond
Booster Mission The Band Booster Club is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to help promote a better band, school and community spirit by volunteering our time and skills as well as provide financial support to full-fill the goals and objectives set forth by the Band Directors. Without all these components our student experience is negatively impacted.
Booster Budget – Income
Booster Budget – Expenses
CHHS Band Spring Flower Fundraiser March 17 th - April 15 th Delivery will be April 25th from 12:00 - 1:30 pm CHHS Band Hall During Audition/Registration Include band student name for credit Include band PARENT cell and address Order forms to Ms. Hunt on April 15 th including payment All items must be picked up April 25th between 12:00 - 1:30. We cannot hold or store your items. If you cannot pick them up, please arrange for a friend or family member to pick up items and let Lisa Pollack know For plant/flower selection questions contact: Gena Evans at or For fundraising questions contact: Lisa Pollack at
Flower Fundraiser Forms