Immigration in Germany
FOREIGN SERVICES ( RESTAURANTS, SUPERMARKETS, ETC.) One of the effects of the immigration in Germany we can see in our everyday life. When we walk through our city, nearly at every corner there is an Italian, Chinese or Greek restaurant. With the years the international food became a normal part of our life. We also have lots of supermarkets, like the Asian supermarket or the Turkish supermarket, which are led by immigrants. Nowadays the traditional food isn‘t as distributet as the international kitchen.
In this picture you can see a Turkish restaurant which is called “Habibi Grillhaus“ in Aschaffenburg.
The Asian supermarket isn‘t just a place for Chinese people, the Germans are customers, too.
Also some restaurants from Thailand are in our hometown.
“Locanda“ is an Italian restaurant in Aschaffenburg. They have lots of pizza and pasta and Italian food. It is very popular with the Germans.
Where do the Immigrants in Germany come from? Turkey Italy Poland Greece Croatia Russia Austria Romania Bosnia Netherlands Serbia Ukraine Portugal Spain Most important origin countries (in 1 000) Afrika Asia USA Not Eu. Europe else Turkey Europ