By Gloria Otieno Sunday, August 09, 20151
Presentation Outline Context: Kenya Objectives and TORs Research Plan Methodology Expected Outputs Sunday, August 09, 20152
Kenya Context Food Security Situation Poverty in Kenya currently stands 46% Over 10 million Kenyans are facing food poverty – (cannot meet 50% of daily food requirements). Currently 0ver 4.5 million Kenyans are in need of food aid partly due to drought especially in the ASALs and high food prices ( % above normal) especially in the urban areas. output of Maize fell from a surplus of 9million bags in 2006 to a deficit of 15 million bags on 2009 Deficit therefore requires imports from the region Sunday, August 09, 20153
The Kenyan Context: Trade Kenya ascribes to two main Regional Trade Agreements COMESA – Customs Union ( 19 Countries in ESA) EAC – Customs Union – UG, TZ, Rwanda, Burundi Exports to the Region consist of Consumer goods & Petroleum Products Main trading partner is Uganda 15.6%, and Tanzania- 7.7% and Rwanda 3.3%). Sunday, August 09, 20154
Kenyan Context contd’ Imports are mainly from Tanzania and Uganda and consist of Grains – maize, beans and finger millet, as well as fruits and vegetables Most trade is informal through porous borders and mainly carried out by small scale producers and traders in small but significant quantities. Livelihoods in most rural areas therefore depend on agriculture, livestock production or small scale trade Impacts on incomes and food security. Sunday, August 09, 20155
Objectives and TORs This research aims to explore the linkages between Agricultural trade (Both regional and international), and its implications on livelihoods and food security in Kenya. Sunday, August 09, 20156
Specific Objectives …1 To collect information on and analyse 1. The recent trends in regional trade in agriculture in the EAC, and 2. Linkages btn, trade, food security and rural livelihoods in Kenya; Sunday, August 09, 20157
Specific Objectives..(2) Determine the magnitude and composition of formal and informal Agricultural trade and implications on food security and rural livelihoods in Kenya 1. Implications food prices 2. Implications on volumes 3. Implications on Rural Livelihoods Incomes, employment and poverty categorization – pastoralists, farmers, urban poor and ASALs Sunday, August 09, 20158
Specific Objectives..(3) Examining policy implications 1. Roles of different actors/stakeholders 2. National policies related to agriculture, trade and food security 3. Development of a framework to leverage regional trade in agriculture to improve food security and rural livelihoods in Kenya Sunday, August 09, 20159
Research Plan Phase I Desk review of existing literature, secondary data on trends on trade, food security and livelihoods in Kenya Phase II Determining Linkages between and Implications of Trade, food security and rural livelihoods in Kenya Phase III -Analysis of policy implications, roles of stakeholders and synergies Various Initiatives on food security/aid Various stakeholders, institutions and key players National Policy framework Sunday, August 09,
Data Sources/Types..1 Secondary data from Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture International Statistical Sources. Primary data collection Key informant survey- stakeholders, institutions, key government agencies Sunday, August 09,
Expected Outputs 1. Preliminary report based on phase I of the research (desk review) 2. Draft report based on Phase I and II after data collection and synthesis 3. Final Report to be presented at a national consultation/stakeholder’s forum 4. Policy brief based on the research findings Sunday, August 09,
Thank You! Sunday, August 09,