Using Supplements, Herbs, and Vitamins in the Treatment of Autism Shari Hagen Kaplan University HW499: Capstone 3/2/2015
Brain-Gut Connection Autism has a biological basis and most individuals that have Autism have many of the same prevalence of certain health issues (Hovarth & Perman, 2002). Many of these include gastrointestinal problems and inflammation in the gut (Hovarth & Perman, 2002). In addition, different gut flora when compared to neurotypical individuals (Hovarth & Perman, 2002). Malabsorption issues and decreased digestive enzymes (Hovarth & Perman, 2002). Its beginning to seem like there is a major connection with what is going on in the gut and the symptoms that Autistic individuals have.
Treatment for these gut issues Probiotics- Gut flora of Autistic individuals is off and good gut flora is needed (Bortfield, 2009) Digestive Enzymes- Due to gut problems digestive enzymes are low so they need to be supplemented (Hovarth & Perman, 2002) Anti-fungals- Grapefruit seed extract, biotin, pau d’ arco, oil of oregano (supplements or herbs)- very common for yeast/candida overgrowth (Bortfield, 2009). Natural Antibiotics- Goldenseal, berberine, neem, or garlic- gut can also have high bacteria level Retrieved from
Deficiencies Gut issues equal many mineral and vitamin deficiencies because of absorption issues (Hovarth & Perman, 2002). Zinc deficiency has been linked to attention problems (Rossignol, 2009). Omega 3 fatty acids deficiency has shown increased problems with conduct, tantrums and overall hyperactivity (Rossignol, 2009). Most people have a deficiency of magnesium but Autistic individuals even have more of a problem with it (Rossignol, 2009). Carnitine deficiency can cause mitochondrial problems which cause problems with energy level, speech, and attention span (Rossignol, 2009). Retrieved from s/2010/11/ essential-nutrients-dietry-fat/
Other Symptoms Hard time sleeping- melatonin or magnesium (Rossignol, 2009) Reduced detox abilities- toxin build up- folinic acid & methyl b12 (Rossignol, 2009). Seizures- Carnosine (Rossignol, 2009) Inflammation and high oxidative stress- antioxidants such as vitamin c (Rossignol, 2009) Retrieved from
Things to consider….. Natural does not equal safe (National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, 2015) The source of the supplement, vitamin, and herb matter! (National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, 2015) Cheap supplement usually means cheap ingredients! Doctors need to be on board and there are multiple tests/labs that should be done to indicate deficiencies and other problems. Retrieved from High-dose-vitamin-supplements-may-reduce-lifespan-by-up-to-a-quarter-Animal- data High-dose-vitamin-supplements-may-reduce-lifespan-by-up-to-a-quarter-Animal- data
Precautions *Work with a doctor that is educated about supplements (Rossignol, 2009) * Remember that most supplements go by adult size so if you are giving to a child it needs to be take into consideration (Rossignol, 2009) Retrieved from
More Information: Medical journal about gut and brain connection in Autistic individuals: ation/ _Autism_and_gastrointestinal_symptoms/link s ation/ _Autism_and_gastrointestinal_symptoms/link s Things you should know before giving children supplements: A blueprint that shows medical interventions and supplement use in Autistic individuals: content/uploads/2012/04/AJ-Blueprints-Medical- Intervention_updated_ pdfhttp:// content/uploads/2012/04/AJ-Blueprints-Medical- Intervention_updated_ pdf
Online educational info about the topic: Gut-brain connection and Autism: brain-probiotic-research-biology-medicine-bacteria/ brain-probiotic-research-biology-medicine-bacteria/ List of treatments for Autism with rankings from families: content/uploads/2013/02/Summary_of_Treatments_for_Autism-2013.pdf content/uploads/2013/02/Summary_of_Treatments_for_Autism-2013.pdf Herbal remedies for Autism: remedies-autism-karta-purkh-singh-khalsa-dn-c-rhhttp:// remedies-autism-karta-purkh-singh-khalsa-dn-c-rh
References: Bortfield, H. (2013). What is Yeast Overgrowth? Retrieved from Horvath, K. & Perman, J.A. (2002). Autism and Gastrointestinal Symptoms. Current Gastroenterology Reports, 4(1), Retrieved from 5_Autism_and_gastrointestinal_symptoms/links 5_Autism_and_gastrointestinal_symptoms/links National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. (2015). 5 Things To Know About Dietary Supplements and Children. Retrieved from Rossignol, D. (2009). Diagnosis Autism: Now What? Retrieved from Biomedical-ASD.pdf Biomedical-ASD.pdf