Peer Mentoring Model National Business Education Alliance
Peer Mentoring Benefits Encourages reflection and analysis of teaching practices Promotes specific feedback over time Fosters collaboration among all stakeholders on campus Improves student achievement
Peer Mentoring Prerequisites Ability to conduct clinical observations Thorough grasp of the “look-fors” High level of mutual trust, respect, and rapport A non-threatening, secure environment Focus on improved student achievement
Peer Mentoring Model Preconference Observation Postconference
Preconference Agreeing on data collection technique(s) Asking questions to help plan lesson around the focus Creating a common understanding of the “look-fors” Working out the observation logistics
Preconference: Data Collection Scripted observations Student survey Student interviews Teacher interview
Preconference: Logistics Observation time and date Positioning of observer Length of observation Interaction with students
Preconference: You Pick… Grade level Content area Technology infrastructure
Preconference: Roll the Die 1. Lesson Focus at a LoTi Level 1 2. Lesson Focus at a LoTi Level 2 3. Lesson Focus at a LoTi Level 3 4. Lesson Focus at a LoTi Level 4 5. Lesson Focus at a LoTi Level 5 6. Lesson Focus at a LoTi Level 6
Observation Note taking or observation form? Partial lesson or entire lesson? Passive or active involvement? One or multiple observer(s)?
Postconference Teacher reflection Discussion of focus strategies or “look- fors” Planning for next observation Discussion of possible role reversals
Case Study: Peer Mentoring Middle school cience classroom Content Area: Heat Transfer Setting: Students will be working in pairs as they interact with the heat transfer simulator. Students will be analyzing and evaluating the heat capacity of different materials. Peer Mentoring Focus: Types of questions posed by students; level of questioning (Bloom’s) generated by students and teacher.
Case Study: Peer Mentoring
Postconference Teacher reflection Discussion of focus strategies or “look- fors” Planning for next observation Discussion of possible role reversals
Peer Mentoring Floresville ISD LoTi Mentors Action Plan
National Business Education Alliance