Lord of the Rings: Online Review By James Sheets
Game Information Title:Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar Creator:Turbine Genre:Mass Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game Price:$29.99 (game + 1 month access) $14.99 per month OR $9.99 per 3 months OR $ lifetime access
Minimum System Specs OS: Windows® XP Processor:Intel Pentium® GHz or equivalent RAM:512 MB Video:64 MB NVIDIA® GeForce® 3 OR ATI® Radeon® 8500 Disk Space:7 GB available DirectX: DirectX® 9.0c DVD: 2x DVD-ROM Internet: 56kbps Modem
Recommended System Specs OS:Windows® XP / Vista Processor:Intel Pentium® GHz or equivalent RAM: 1 GB Video: 128 MB NVIDIA® GeForce® FX 6800 OR ATI® Radeon® X850 Disk Space: 10 GB available DirectX: DirectX® 9.0c DVD Drive: 2x DVD-ROM Internet:Broadband DSL/Cable
Overview Based on the books, not the movie (licensing) Set during the time of the three books Frodo has The One Ring, and is being pursued You’re a spectator who learns about The One Ring The starting story different for each race You have to fight the forces of Sauron and Saruman to help Frodo
Installation Normal Client DVD installer – high res textures Buddy Pass Ten day free access Downloadable installer – low res textures Run installer (high res takes an hour, low res 40 min) Launcher prompts for game account If you don’t have an account, it prompts you to create one Launches Turbine website Prompts for game key or buddy pass Create account information Submit credit card info (buddy pass skips this) Game checks for patches and applies any available Game launches EULA agreement Character selection Start playing
User Interface Standard MMORPG fair Player + Group Health Bars, Buff / Debuff List, Quest Tracker, Hotkeys, Mini-map, World Map, Chat Fairly easy to use Familiar control scheme (WSAD) Does it’s job well enough Compared to World of Warcraft Basically no UI customization Can’t scale GUI elements – everything is very large No hotkeys to show/hide quest tracker Can’t change the chat font size
Game Play 4 Different races (Man, Elf, Dwarf, Hobbit) 6 different classes; some race restrictions Guardian (tank) Burglar (DPS / group attack opener / crowd control) Hunter (Ranged DPS / crowd control) Champion (tank / healer / pet / buffs) Minstrel (healer / buffs) Lore Master (crowd control / healer / buffs / pet) Level from 1 – 50 Multiple crafting professions Play across multiple, level-based zones Multiple quests for every level; progress the storyline Instanced dungeons for major story events High level raids (25 player groups)
“Scoring” / Objectives No end to MMORPG’s 3D chat room Item acquisition Group participation Take part in the LOTR story Attain Deeds Gained by Exploring / finding different areas Killing X number of mobs Completing quest New titles New abilities PVP Combat Zone
Artwork Very good for an MMORPG Scales suitably for older machines Lots of customization Varying landscapes and environments Detailed textures Environmental effects (rain, day/night cycles) Little diversity in armor / item looks
Sounds and Music Music is standard fair Sounds are ok, but get repetitive fast Ability to play your own music You can train an instrument at level 5 Different instruments have different sounds 3 different octaves / pitches Full range of musical notes Other players can hear your music Online music sheets for some popular songs
Special Features LOTR storyline As you progress in level, the storyline opens up The Music System Instanced Dungeons A copy of a dungeon is created for your group Scripted events often take place to progress the story Game Patches Occur roughly every 3 months Add new quests, content, and further the story PVP Players can play and level up bad-guys PVP and enemy players can only occur in one zone Raids Currently only one raid
Manual Very full-featured manual Explains most of the game’s features Online website also has a lot of information Introduction zone to help new players “Newbie” tips appear once to familiarize you with new objects the first time you encounter them In-game help menu
Bugs None I know of
Audience Lord of the Rings fans MMORPG players New Experienced All age levels Language filter Helpful people Ages 10+ (no real blood, but fighting) Still an online game; younger kids should be monitored
The Good Storyline Art and environment Quests and Quest log size Deeds Traveling Built-in voice chat Group Abilities
The Bad Mounts High-level mobs High-level dungeon instances Soloability Crafting
The Ugly Dominated by WoW in many respects Raids We know how the story goes
Design Mistakes Raids Not much reason to raid Only 1 raid Doesn’t fit the casual-friendly feel of the game PVP Not much incentive to PVP Monster players are much weaker Monster players are in lower numbers
Summary Strengths? Good storyline Music system Fairly polished and stable Weaknesses? Lack of high level content Little diversity in items Boring crafting Worth Purchasing? If you like LOTR or are a casual MMORPG fan, yes Improvement? More things to keep high-level players interested