Measure 26 Strategic Traffic Management Katerina Oktabcova Usti nad Labem Municipality
Measure 26 Background and Objectives Intensive traffic on local roads and development of motor transport requires application of regulatory measures necessary to address issues of sustainable development and seek complex transport solutions for the city Objectives: –regulation and segregation of motor transport in order to avoid safety risks for the population –Improve traffic flow and safety level –reduce the environmental impact of traffic, such as emission of harmful gases, noise and vibrations –Introduce priority for public transport –support walking and cycling modes –Contribute to better quality and cleaner life in the city Measure target : –develop a traffic management strategy and implement measures to restrict traffic in the city centre
Measure 26 Measure overview Tasks Strategic Traffic Management –Finished in M34 –RTD task –Analysis of current state of traffic management, application of intelligent transport systems and transfer of traffic data in the city 3.8 Strategic Traffic Management –Finished in M35 –DEMO task –Feasibility study of implementing optimised traffic management scheme and ITS development to meet requirements for sustainable urban transport development
Measure 26 Task Strategic traffic management analysis Analysis of the current management scheme for individual functional areas: Management and organization of road safety; Traffic information and data transfer; Parking of vehicles; Public transport; Freight transport; Transport surveillance systems; Payments system; Management and maintenance of transport infrastructure Identification of issues, needs and requirements
Measure 26 Task 3.8 Strategic traffic management scheme Proposal of the architecture of the ITS system and suitable traffic management scheme for Ústí nad Labem: –Traffic management via variable traffic marks and traffic light signals –Traffic management in emergencies –Information and data transfer –Parking navigation –Preference for public transport and data provision –Management of goods transport and freight vehicles –Traffic surveillance systems –System of payments within the transport system –Maintenance of transport infrastructure
Measure Strategic traffic management Proposal for intelligent telematic systems for the city: Development of the traffic light system: –Detectors enabling priority of way for PT –Interacting with the current traffic flow –Integrate foreseen traffic situations (for example higher intensity before a football match, etc.) Improve the information system: –Electronic notice boards Proposal for specific solutions for individual localities in the city Proposal of a central traffic control station with integrated telematics and traffic regulations
Measure 26 Proposal for the architecture of the management system and organisation of traffic in Ústí nad Labem
Measure 26 Results New traffic management scheme would enable integration of all the existing subsystems and continuous real-time sharing of information The proposal defines an integrated traffic management system gathering, processing, storing and sharing information among the relevant bodies in the city with centralized management. Desirable solution for administrators of roads, units of the IRS and road users (drivers, pedestrians, cyclists and PT passengers) Especially required during emergency situations – in the city usually due to unfavorable weather conditions (floods, ice and snow) Strategic traffic management would also provide improved conditions for development of non-motorised transport (pedestrians and cyclists) and for PT services.
Measure 26 Budget and costs Subcontract: Develop the detailed technical solutions and methodology for strategic traffic management in the city (experts in remote control station engaged) Budget € Actual costs61 038€
Measure 26 Evaluation Processing final evaluation data Indicators Traffic flow peak/off-peak –transport model Average vehicle speed peak/off-peak –transport model Average vehicle time peak/off-peak –transport model Total fuel consumption –transport model –average consumption according to vehicle types Emissions –CO, No x : transport model –CO 2, Particulate: impossible to obtain by transport model
Measure 26 Event Date Location Speaker Thank you! Katerina Oktabcova CIVITAS Archimedes Ústí nad Labem Municipality