Some tips and ideas MAKE YOUR MOVIE POSTER
PARTS OF A MOVIE POSTER Important names in your video – these will be the historical people in your topic. One image that is the focus of your topic. The title and a tag line – something to give a hint of where your video is going, used to build suspense and get your audience interested. A brief description of the purpose or content of your video presenation.
YOUR TITLE Keep your title simple and make it large enough to be seen from a distance. The tag line can be written anywhere on the poster. For this project, you can also write a brief description of the topic or content of your video presentation.
YOUR IMAGE Keep your image to one concept and have it fill your poster, you can have your writing go over the image. Your image should give a strong sense of what your message will be.
KEEP THE INFORMATION BRIEF You will want to list some of the big names for your historical topic – names of people that will appear in the video. For this project those names will be people featured in your video, rather than your own names, or ‘actors’ names.
Each student will create their own poster – you may use the same image as other team members, but it’s not required that you do. Your poster must be in ink or markers. Use color effectively to get your message across. Keep your image large and simple. Text should also be large and brief. These posters are due: April 28 (B day) and April 29 (A day). YOUR MOVIE POSTER