Jeffrey A. Murphy Managing Director, Commercial Operations Dominion East Ohio June 5, 2009
Natural Gas Market Dynamics Price Volatility Supply and Demand Fundamentals Dominion East Ohio Market
Price Volatility
Historical Price Movement Source:
July ‘09 NYMEX Contract Pricing Source:
Forward NYMEX NG Prices Source:
June 2, 2009 Gas Daily Headlines NYMEX leaps 41.4 cents, but cash prices weaken “the NYMEX price soared ‘for no good reason’ given that fundamentals have not changed much from last week.” Bears in control as new hurricane season begins “nothing - save a catastrophic hurricane … - should prevent gas prices from falling even further this summer” S&P: Outlook murky for North American gas sector “the key for oil and gas is the development of demand, and demand right now is heading downhill…” See:
Key Drivers
Key Drivers: Reduced Demand Source: Weather-Normalized R&C Demand Is Less
Key Drivers: Reduced Demand Source: Industrial and Power Generation Demand Is Much Less
Key Drivers: Drilling Activity Source: EIA Natural Gas Year In Review 2008
Key Drivers: Drilling Activity Source:
Key Drivers: Domestic Production Source:
Key Drivers: Domestic Production Source: EIA Annual Energy Outlook 2009
Key Drivers: New Reserves Source: FERC Natural Gas Market Overview (12/5/08)
Key Drivers: LNG Imports Source:
Key Drivers: Storage Inventories Source:
Key Drivers: Pipeline Capacity Source:
Dominion East Ohio Market
Energy Choice Enrollments
Pre-SSO (9/06) to Today (12/08) September 2006December 2008 Residential Choice Customers 476,000504,000 Non-Res. Choice Customers 39,00042,000 Aggregation Customers 282,000303,000 Total Choice Customers 797,000849,000 # of Suppliers 1619
Energy Choice Market Shares – 12/08 Aggregation (36%) A B C D Other 13 Energy Choice Participation Rates: Residential Non-PIPP: 78% Nonresidential: 75% E F
What is Dominion Doing Now? Dominion is continuing its transition from traditional regulated natural gas sales to a more competitive market for its customers Dominion will continue to focus on providing regulated distribution service to its 1.2 million customers Dominion conducted its first Standard Service Offer auction in August 2006 to purchase natural gas for its sales customers In February 2009, Dominion conducted two more auctions for Standard Service Offer (SSO) and Standard Choice Offer (SCO) commodity service In April 2009, Dominion placed all Choice-eligible customers into a direct retail relationship with an Energy Choice supplier at the SCO rate established in the auction SSO/SCO auction process will be repeated in 2010
Resources: Residential/Small Commercial Larger Commercial/Industrial