FY12-PRC Board of Trustee(BoT) Policy T92-031, Policy for Management of University Funds, Procurement Policy, Appendix A, as revised Business Expense Policy, Appendix C.
Consulting Services Operational Services ******* Contract for Services University Sub-contract
Post Audit for Services < $5,000 Contracts Required >$10,000 Purchase Order only ≤$10,000 University Sub-contract Independent Contractor: Human Resources when hiring Individuals
Mandatory Competitive Procurement Contract Usage Non-employee Compensation—DV to Controller ◦ Honoraria, Participant Costs ◦ Human Subjects, Other Research UMB Student Payments—DV to Bursar Prizes, Awards, Scholarships, Participant Costs
Non-employee Reimbursements—DV to Controller
New—Determination of Independent Contractor Status form Human Resources will make Determination
Competitive Procurement Contracts--Mandatory Campus Contracts University Contracts State Contracts MHEC Contracts
Consulting Contracts Services outside course of University’s usual business. Unique, highly skilled services.
Operational Services Services are Necessary and Routine for operation of University and/or Repair and Maintenance Not practicably performed by University employees
University Sub-contracts Contracts where University agrees to provide services For Consulting or Operational Services using external grants or sponsored programs New contract—Procurement website
Post Audit Transactions <$5,000
All Contracts ≤$10,000 Best Value Purchase Requisition 1. Detail Scope of Services 2. Period of Performance 3. Rate Purchase Order = Contract
All Contracts >$10,000 Purchase Order + Contract for Services/ University Sub-contract Unless Competitive Procurement Contract
Consulting Contracts >$10,000 and ≤$50,000 Best value Enter Purchase Requisition and Create a Draft Contract
Consulting Contracts> $50,000 Public Bidding Required* *unless Competitive Procurement Contract Lowest Responsive, Responsible Bidder Preference to MA vendors Process takes 4-8 weeks Procurement creates contract
Operational Contracts >$10,000 and ≤$25,000 Best value Enter Purchase Requisition and Create a Draft Contract
Operational Contracts >$25,000 and ≤$50,000 Best value– 3 written quotes Enter Purchase Requisition and Create a Draft Contract
Operational Contracts> $50,000 Follow Consulting Services Procedures
Contract Signatures Department Head >$50,000 Confirms Commitment Authorized University Officials to Sign Contracts Assist. VC for Contracts and Compliance VC for Administration and Finance Chancellor
Processing Rules at a Glance
Change in Processing Purchase Orders Approval/Workflow Purchase Order will be scanned to department for further distribution
Department Services Review Group Janis Mahoney