Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement. 1 LSI-TA to VTAG Consolidation CUA Guide
Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement. 2 Summary LSI-TA will be decommissioned 12/13/14. Effective this date, all Trouble Administration transactions must flow through VTAG. – Existing VTAG CUA (Company User Administrators) and End Users now have access to perform Local transactions. No change to the profile is needed. Existing LSI-TA/WISE users who do not currently have access to VTAG will need to follow the CUA/EndUser request process. All transactions available in LSI-TA are now available in VTAG; some of the transaction names have been changed. You may view a full transaction list on the next table. Non Trouble/Administration/Maintenance functions that flow through LSI will be unaffected by this change. Only LSI-TA transactions will begin flowing through VTAG.
Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement. 3 Transactions LSI-TA Transaction NameVTAG Transaction Name Trouble Ticket Partial ID SearchLook Up Circuit ID N/APerformance Monitoring Trouble Ticket TestMechanized Loop Test Special Service Test ADSL High-Band Special Service Test Vertical Feature VerificationPOTS Feature Verification Service RecoveryPOTS Service Recovery Trouble Ticket Create Multi Trouble Ticket Create Trouble Ticket Modify Trouble Ticket CloseRequest to Cancel Ticket Request Escalation Status InquiryQuick Status Trouble Ticket InquiryPOTS Commitment Inquiry Enhanced Status Inquiry Trouble HistoryCircuit Ticketing History Extended Trouble HistoryExtended Circuit Ticketing History
Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement. 4 Objective: Define the purpose of a Company User Administrator and review the steps needed for a CUA/MCA to Obtain Admin access and establish basic user access. Frequently Asked Questions: Q: What is a Company User Administrator (CUA/MCA)? A: A Company User Administrator is someone at your company who has agreed to validate and approve, reset password and delete users on behalf of your company. Q: How do I become a Company User Administrator (CUA/MCA)? A: Complete CUA/MCA Registration Form: If you are a brand new company and currently do not have an authorization code select YES. If you are an existing customer please select NO and proceed to enter your authorization code Q: What is a authorization code and what must I do with this code? A: The authorization code is a code that is assigned to your company in which you will use when you attempt to register for access Next Steps: The form will be routed to Verizon for processing. You will be asked when submitting your request to enter a 4 digit password, please remember this password along with the request ID number that you will be given to pick up your user ID once its processed by Verizon. When the ID is processed, YOU WILL OBTAIN TWO S IF YOU ARE A NEW COMPANY: 1: PROVIDES YOU WITH YOUR COMPANY AUTHORIZATION CODE 2: ID RETRIEVAL The following pieces of information will be needed in order to retrieve your user credentials: Request ID number, Password, Last Name, secret question and answer ** EXISTING COMPANIES WILL ONLY OBTAIN ONE *** PLEASE NOTE* ALL Verizon Business CUA/MCA’s will be given the same access Establishing CUA/MCA Access
Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement. 5 Completing the CUA/MCA Request Form
Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement. 6 Summary of CUA Request Form
Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement. 7 Submitting the CUA/MCA Request Form Submit your request: alert to pick up your ID
Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement. 8 CUA/MCA ID Retrieval Please use the following URL to retrieve your User ID and Password:
Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement. 9 Global Wholesale Customized CUA/MCA Dashboard
Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement. 10 “As a CUA/MCA, what are my options for managing my company’s authorization code?” Option 1: Provide the authorization code to the end-user along with the request form URL: Option 2: Obtain end-user information and submit the request for them. Managing Basic User Access Completing the End User Request Form To grant user access to applications you must have access to those apps first. See Slide 3
Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement. 11 Completing the End User Request Form – cont.
Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement. 12 If the end-user has submitted the request form, please notify the CUA/MCA to approve your Request. If the CUA/MCA has submitted the request on behalf of the end-user, login to the Wholesale User Administration Console to approve the request. Please Note: The CUA/MCA MUST approve the request in order for Verizon to receive it and process it…….. Company User Administrator (CUA/MCA) Approval
Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement. 13 Log into the Global Wholesale User Administration Console at: -Select Manage Requests Global Wholesale User Administration Console
Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement. 14 Global Wholesale User Administration Console Basic User Approval
Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement. 15 Global Wholesale User Administration Console Basic User Completion
Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement. 16 OLT Global Wholesale User Administration Console – Cont. URL:
Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement. 17 CUA/MCA Advanced Options In addition to approving user requests, the CUA/MCA also has the ability to reset a user’s password, revoke user access or upgrade another user to a CUA/MCA admin Here are the steps: Login to the CUA/MCA Console at: Select manage users, enter either the User ID, Last Name or First Name- Hit Search Using this function, you have the following options: Reset PW, Revoke Access, Delete or Upgrade The Tab allows for Bulk User ID Deletion
Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement. 18 Connectivity Management Team- Portal Registration Contact Us at: VTAG training or user concerns Contact Us at CUSTOMER SUPPORT