Consolidated Planning using the e-Con Planning Suite NCDA 44 th Annual Conference Myrtle Beach, SC Bob Gehret, City of Boston Marcy Krumbine, City of Burlington
Overview of 2 Cities CityBostonBurlington Population ,59442,417 Housing Units ,48116,897 FY13 CDBG$16,834,371$689,742 FY13 HOME$4,418,285$389,428 FY13 HOPWA$2,087,647$0 FY13 ESG$1,161,878$0 Poverty % %25.0% Tenure with CityBob - 27 yearsMarcy – 1 year Years in Community Development Bob - 27 yearsMarcy – 6 years
Getting Started Overview of program by section. Specific issues encountered and how to resolve them. First step – download Word document. Become familiar with each section and what goes where – compare to your current Con Plan. Plan ahead on creating two versions of each document: 1.Online version of document in IDIS template for HUD. 2.Word version of document for public comment – note that many of the components of the template do not carry over to the Word version.
Getting Started - 2 Work in Word version whenever possible, cut and paste into the template. Save, save, save and be prepared for time-out warnings (3-minute warning). Text boxes limited to 4000 characters (includes letters, symbols and spaces) – create new narratives or copy, paste and edit? Learn how to make a JPEG for graphs and charts BEFORE starting your plan. (Burlington used Powerpoint) Mapping tool – if using it, best to use directly from IDIS. If have own GIS use it (has neighborhoods, etc) but you have to import maps as JPEGs.
Setup AD-25 Administration AD-50 Verify Grantee/PJ Information in IDIS AD-55 Verify Grantee/PJ - Program ContactsAD-25 AdministrationAD-50 Verify Grantee/PJ Information in IDISAD-55 Verify Grantee/PJ - Program Contacts AD-55 screen re program contacts – review information and consult with HUD field office. Do not try to edit – changes will not be saved & you will get error messages. AD – 25 screen – only 1 unique appendix to Plan – group them together; place for certifications. Quality Check is helpful – will flag numbers, goals, etc.
Executive Summary ES-05 Executive Summary Write this last – is supposed to be a summary of key points of entire Con Plan. Includes section on evaluation of past performance. ES-05 screen includes text boxes for narratives on citizen participation and summary of comments, etc. Can delete these in Word version for public comment draft.
The Process PR-05 Lead & Responsible Agencies PR-10 Consultation PR-15 Citizen ParticipationPR-05 Lead & Responsible AgenciesPR-10 ConsultationPR-15 Citizen Participation Data entry for participating organizations: Add agencies as you go along or even now, some people had trouble. Agencies can be added without all the contact information Outreach activities – add as you go along or keep a spreadsheet to remember what you did Homeless questions are repetitive, similar to CoC application
Needs Assessment NA-05 Overview NA-10 Housing Needs Assessment NA-15 Disproportionately Greater Need: Housing Problems NA-20 Disproportionately Greater Need: Severe Housing Problems NA-25 Disproportionately Greater Need: Housing Cost Burdens NA-30 Disproportionately Greater Need: Discussion NA-35 Public Housing NA-40 Homeless Needs Assessment NA-45 Non-Homeless Special Needs Assessment NA-50 Non-Housing Community Development Needs NA-05 OverviewNA-10 Housing Needs AssessmentNA-15 Disproportionately Greater Need: Housing ProblemsNA-20 Disproportionately Greater Need: Severe Housing ProblemsNA-25 Disproportionately Greater Need: Housing Cost BurdensNA-30 Disproportionately Greater Need: DiscussionNA-35 Public HousingNA-40 Homeless Needs AssessmentNA-45 Non-Homeless Special Needs AssessmentNA-50 Non-Housing Community Development Needs
Needs Assessment -2 Many tables, most pre-populated with CHAS data, ACS data, etc. General demographics for PJ – add to overview section Demographics table (first table) pre-populated with incorrect data for # of households in 2000 – Disproportionate needs tables: HUD tables only provide numbers of persons or households with a particular problem or need broken out by HUD income levels, etc. To make sense of the data in the tables you will need to convert these numbers to percentages. Example: if Asians are 5% of the population with incomes under 30% of AMI but they are 16% of the population with incomes under 30% of AMI who have a severe housing cost burden then they have a disproportionate need (threshold is 10%).
Needs Assessment-3 Print public housing tables and ask your PHA to verify data, complete blank tables, draft required narrative responses. Print homeless tables and ask your COC or ESG grantee to verify data, complete blank tables, draft required narratives. NA-40 – Homeless Needs Assessment- table asks for estimates for experiencing, becoming, exiting homelessness – problem with terms – check the manual. NA-50 – Non Housing CD Needs Assessment – divided into Public Facilities, Public Improvements, Public Services – includes text boxes for needs and how they were determined for each – examples on adding charts/narrative for specific needs like Crime, Health, Child Care
Market Analysis MA-05 Overview MA-10 Number of Housing Units MA-15 Cost of Housing MA-20 Condition of Housing MA-25 Public and Assisted Housing MA-30 Homeless Facilities MA-35 Special Needs Facilities and Services MA-40 Barriers to Affordable Housing MA-45 Non-Housing Community Development Assets MA-50 Needs and Market Analysis Discussion MA-05 OverviewMA-10 Number of Housing UnitsMA-15 Cost of HousingMA-20 Condition of HousingMA-25 Public and Assisted HousingMA-30 Homeless FacilitiesMA-35 Special Needs Facilities and ServicesMA-40 Barriers to Affordable HousingMA-45 Non-Housing Community Development AssetsMA-50 Needs and Market Analysis Discussion
Market Analysis - 2 Most of the tables are pre-populated with data from ACS, CHAS and other HUD sources. Vacant Units table in MA-20 screen must be populated by grantee with local data - # REOs, # units suitable for rehab, etc. Risk of Lead-Based Paint Hazard Table in MA-20 does not ask for Elevated Blood Lead data which you may want to include if you are a HUD Lead-Based Paint program applicant. MA-25 Public Housing – print out and send charts and narrative to PHA to review and complete. MA – 30 Homeless Facilities – use your HIC for updated #’s; Again narrative questions very similar to CoC application.
Market Analysis - 3 MA – 45 Data and narrative for economic development in this section – tables pre- populated with data from ACS In all sections, data tables are ‘up front”.. Narratives don’t necessarily connect with data in this section. Limited areas to add text boxes and even more limited characters.
Market Analysis - 4 Mapping tool – click on it from IDIS, choose your parameters. To insert into IDIS, hit print and then choose export to IDIS. Does not ‘show’ the best in the Word doc.
Strategic Plan SP-05 Overview SP-10 Geographic Priorities SP-25 Priority Needs SP-30 Influence of Market Conditions SP-35 Anticipated Resources SP-40 Institutional Delivery Structure SP-45 Goals SP-50 Public Housing Accessibility and Involvement SP-55 Barriers to affordable housing SP-60 Homelessness Strategy SP-65 Lead based paint Hazards SP-70 Anti-Poverty Strategy SP-80 Monitoring SP-05 OverviewSP-10 Geographic PrioritiesSP-25 Priority NeedsSP-30 Influence of Market ConditionsSP-35 Anticipated ResourcesSP-40 Institutional Delivery StructureSP-45 GoalsSP-50 Public Housing Accessibility and InvolvementSP-55 Barriers to affordable housingSP-60 Homelessness StrategySP-65 Lead based paint HazardsSP-70 Anti-Poverty StrategySP-80 Monitoring
Strategic Plan - 2 SP10 Geographic Priorities (optional). Can add NRSAs, local strategy areas, CDFI areas, etc. Will need to include basic data on target area - # housing units, low/mod %, commercial characteristics, etc. Clunky screen. SP-35 Anticipated Resources table auto-populates similar table in Action Plan. Must be filled out in Strategic Plan first. SP-40 Institutional Delivery Structure table is time consuming. Requests you to list major organizations participating in carrying out your Strategic Plan. Clunky screens. If you fill in narrative before listing organizations, you can’t access the organization part. SP-80 Monitoring is limited to the 4000 character count, no place to add a text box but must include both CDBG and HOME.
Strategic Plan - 3 SP-25 Priority Needs table. Assign priority levels (high or low only) to each identified need. Manual Guidance – affordable housing, homelessness and non- housing community development – less structured. Priority Needs Goals Projects
Summary of Priority Needs, Goals and Geographic Areas, Funding – does not print out but is a good reference
Action Plan AP-15 Expected Resources AP-20 Annual Goals and Objectives AP-35 Projects AP-50 Geographic Distribution AP-55 Affordable Housing AP-60 Public Housing AP-65 Homeless and Other Special Needs Activities AP-70 HOPWA goals AP-75 Barriers to affordable housing AP-85 Other Actions AP-90 Program Specific RequirementsAP-15 Expected ResourcesAP-20 Annual Goals and ObjectivesAP-35 ProjectsAP-50 Geographic DistributionAP-55 Affordable HousingAP-60 Public HousingAP-65 Homeless and Other Special Needs ActivitiesAP-70 HOPWA goalsAP-75 Barriers to affordable housingAP-85 Other ActionsAP-90 Program Specific Requirements
Action Plan - 2 AP-15 Expected Resources tables are auto-populated from SP- 35 table in Strategic Plan for First Year Acton Plan. AP-20 Annual Goals are added from SP-45. May be 5 year goals that are not related to an annual goal/project. AP-35 Projects screens are not included in Word download. You will need to create your own program/project descriptions for your draft action plan. Boston copied the old ones from the CPMP template. Burlington used the ‘summary’ on AP -38. Projects set up in AP-35 will automatically be created in IDIS even prior to clicking “submit”
Action Plan – 3 (Project Summary)
Think you’re done? Think again! Difficulties in downloading document as a whole. Not all information transfers (missing some maps, charts). Be sure to check section by section. Some narratives were mixed up. Some text included symbols <>? Etc. Spent a considerable amount of time formatting for a decent Word document. Added a table of contents, page numbers.
Word Documents Download from IDISReformatted
Wrap Up and Questions For more information, please contact: Robert Gehret City of Boston Marcy Krumbine City of Burlington