Presentation for FAPT February 2012
Public schools operated by private groups Autonomy in exchange for increased accountability Exempt from Education Code (w/ exceptions) Exempt from District Policy Only local school boards may authorize charter schools
519 Charter Schools (Fall 2011) 179,000 students (Fall 2011) 90,091 Elementary 47,253 Middle 41,706 High 44 School Districts 2 State Universities
Charter School Students by Race
Model application Submitted to local school board (Aug 1) 60 days to review (Model Evaluation) Contract Negotiation (Model Contract) School Opens
ion/Charter_Schools/Forms_Charter.asp ion/Charter_Schools/Forms_Charter.asp Application, Evaluation, Contract State Board Rule 6A , F.A.C Model Renewal in development
Organize or Operated by Non Profit Governing Board oversees operations ESP, CMO, EMO Comprehensive Menu of Services
Local School Board shall: Monitor school’s progress toward goals in charter Monitor revenues and expenditures Ensure charter participates in state’s accountability system Develop and review financial corrective action plans
Sponsor shall provide: Contract management FTE and data reporting services ESE administrative services “services related to eligibility and reporting duties required to ensure that school lunch services under the federal lunch program, consistent with the needs of the charter school, are provided by the school district at the request of the charter school” Test administrative services Processing of teacher certification data services Equal access to student information systems 5% Administrative fee (250 students)
Autonomy in exchange for increased accountability Termination of charter for poor academic or financial performance 90 closures in last 5 years No Persistently Lowest Achieving (PLA) Charter Schools
Section establishes charter schools Section Section – high performing charter schools. Section Section – high performing charter school system. Section establishes criteria and requirements for charter schools experiencing a deteriorating financial condition or a state of financial emergency. Section Section establishes charter school eligibility requirements, procedures, and uses for capital outlay funding. Section Charter School State Board of Education Rules Appeals Rule, SBE 6A establishes procedures for appealing a district school board decision to deny an application for a charter school. Appeals Rule, SBE 6A Applicant Training Standards Rule, SBE 6A establishes a procedure by which sponsors may require charter applicants to attend training provided by the sponsor in lieu of the training provided by the Department. Applicant Training Standards Rule, SBE 6A Capital Outlay Rule, SBE 6A clarifies eligibility requirements for capital outlay funding Capital Outlay Rule, SBE 6A Conversion Charter Ballot Process SBE 6A establishes a procedure by which parents and teachers of public school may vote to submit an application for conversion to charter status. Conversion Charter Ballot Process SBE 6A Governance Training Rule, SBE 6A establishes procedures for the approval of charter school governance training submitted to the Florida Department of Education Governance Training Rule, SBE 6A SBE 6A provides the required model application format for potential charter school developers, an evaluation instrument for sponsors, and a model charter contract format.SBE 6A Monthly Financial Statement and Financial Condition Rule, SBE 6A establishes requirements related to the monthly financial statement that a charter school must complete and submit to its sponsor and establishes procedures for developing financial recovery and corrective action plans and determining a deteriorating financial condition. Monthly Financial Statement and Financial Condition Rule, SBE 6A Notice Requirements for Performance Data, SBE 6A outlines the manner in which charter schools will provide student performance data to required recipients. Notice Requirements for Performance Data, SBE 6A Charter School Rule Development 6A : Definition of a Charter School Nonprofit organization 6A : Definition of a Charter School Nonprofit organization
2012 Session SB 1852 & HB 903 – Charter Schools Provides that a sponsor’s policies and procedures and previous school board decisions do not apply to a charter school under certain circumstances; provides that a Florida College System institution may operate no more than one charter school that serves students in kindergarten through grade 12 in each school district in which the institution serves, if the institution operates an approved teacher preparation program; authorizes a charter school or sponsor to file a formal grievance with the Department of Education and to request mediation if the charter school or sponsor is unable to resolve any outstanding issues between the charter school and sponsor SB 1338 & HB 1129 – Website Information SB 1162 & HB 1507 – Family Charter Academies
Section (20)(c) SERVICES (c) Transportation of charter school students shall be provided by the charter school consistent with the requirements of subpart I.E. of chapter 1006 and s The governing body of the charter school may provide transportation through an agreement or contract with the district school board, a private provider, or parents. The charter school and the sponsor shall cooperate in making arrangements that ensure that transportation is not a barrier to equal access for all students residing within a reasonable distance of the charter school as determined in its charter
$20 million to establish charter schools in high need areas– Charter School Growth Fund Project awarded to the Charter School Growth Fund Recruit and Support High-Quality Operators in High-Need neighborhoods (PLA) $10 million Competitive – 3 Components Principal Leadership Institute Support for Teacher/Principal Evaluation Systems Support for highest priority needs
Karen Hines-Henry: Communications Lacrest McCary: Policy Director Chris Muire: Policy Director Helen Giraitis: CSP Director Sandra Eggers: Program Specialist IV Julia Somers-Arthur: Training and Resources Jacque Hitchcock: Program Specialist Charlene Burke: Grant Specialist Laura Pond: Grant Specialist Heather Harrell: Grant Specialist Ally Rudd: OPS Support
CSP Grant $104 million over 5 years Approximately 160 active sub-grants Merit Award Program Class Size Charter School Appeals Governance Training Charter School Capital Outlay Corrective Action Plans Differentiated Accountability Annual Accountability Report Annual Student Achievement Report Outreach Training/Technical Assistance/Support Annual Needs Assessment Over 1000 attendees 2010 Sponsor Support Intra-Department Coordination/Support