Academic Competitiveness and Website Rankings Alina Andreica, Carmen Ciplea Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj- Napoca, Romania
Topics Proficient IT strategies Academic websites Goals Evaluation: organizational, technical Traffic, feed-back / log analysis Webometrics Romanian institutions’ ranking BBU positioning & measures for rank improvement BBU web site Conclusions
Strategies for Implementing ICT within Organizations The larger the organization, its resources &investments, the more relevant are ICT “consequences” IT strategy must be designed according to the organization’s goals & resources adjusted & approved by management levels Organization objective & activity target field Management style & strategy Financial ResourcesHuman Resources Policy
Strategies for Implementing ICT within Organizations ICT implementations should be adapted to: The aim of the organization & activity target field different objectives and target fields impose specific characteristics on IT strategies Financial resources / possibilities the degree of willingness to invest in ICT depends on involvement & awareness of IT benefits
Strategies for Implementing ICT within Organizations ICT implementations should be adapted to: Human resources policy – in IT create proper strategies within a plan of efficient ICT implementation network admins, software developers, project managers Management style and strategy – Integrating IT strategy into the overall management strategy awareness of IT efficiency
Academic web sites goals Promote the university’s Educational programs Research programs E-learning programs Social responsibility programs Alumni Ensure communication means towards the public community
Academic web sites goals BBU specifics Multicultural character – linguistic policy Tradition & dynamism Research & educational opportunities - Competitive programs Comprehensive structure Bridging Eastern-Western cultures High quality infrastructure Student tutorial support
Web sites evaluation Organizational – the degree in which it complies to the organization’s goals, requirements, resources and level of development –information relevance, content structuring, visual identity and facilities should comply these requirements Technical – accessibility, navigability, interactivity, density –criteria list adapted from a procedure proposed within the Marketing Institute of the Westfalische Universität Münster
Technical Web sites evaluation Accesibility – navigability characteristics, speed and simplicity in finding the desired information all pages and hyperlinks are functional free / password based access to information; the site includes contact information help / FAQ section, confidentiality terms / terms of use ; Interactivity – images and animation should be attractive but not excessive if additional software is needed to view the content (for example Flash Player), it should be downloadable are advertising objects included on the page ? (excessive ads are not recommended and often companies who are greedy in placing other ads create themselves a better image) ;
Technical web sites evaluation information density – information should be logically structured, easy to find well-adjusted and balanced between home and secondary pages images and graphs highlighten the content pages display a pleasant design; information up-to-date – the site should display the date of releasing the information and the date of the last update copyright mark and reference should also be present; information accuracy and correctness – published information should be correct, relevant and detailed in respect with user needs if the information doesn’t belong to the site owner, references should be specified
Web sites evaluation Web analytics tools Traffic - for example the analyser Ranking in search engines Color contrast (readability) – for example the analysor Speed in page loading – for example the analyser a web site should be systematically monitored by feed-back analysis using traffic and log information analysis
Academic Web rankings Cybermetrics Research Group – part of the National Research Council of Spain, proposed an Internet ranking methodology of academic institutionsCybermetrics Research Group since the mid of this decade, based on its prior researches in web metrics indicators aims at revealing the importance measuring the Internet (web) data for evaluating scientific activity, competitiveness & impact
Academic Web rankings The proposed indicators are: Visibility – the number of external links to the evaluated domain – the methodology synthesizes the results obtained from Yahoo search engine (previously also from s Google, Live Search and Exalead) and normalizes the obtained values; Size – the number of pages in the evaluated domain – the methodology synthesizes the results obtained from Google, Yahoo, Live Search and Exalead search engines (results are normalized, best and worst values excluded, and then the average value is computed);
Academic web rankings Rich files – the number of the files posted in the evaluated domain; following types are taken into account:.pdf - Adobe Acrobat PDF file,.ps - Adobe Postscript file,.doc - Microsoft Word file,.ppt - Microsoft Powerpoint file; Scholar – the number of published papers in internationally indexed databases and citations – originated from the academic domain the evaluation is performed using Google Scholar application The final rank WR [webm] is obtained by weighting 50% the visibility indicator V, 20% the size indicator S and 15% the rich files RF and scholar SC indicators: WR=4*V+2*S+1*RF+1*SC
Webometrics ranking Webometrics Ranking of the best placed Romanian universities in the World's Universities Webometrics Ranking at July (lower rank is a better hierarchy position) / Source: – accessed July 28, 2009 Top 6 webometrics
Webometrics ranking BBU evolution in Webometrics hierarchy Source: Note: lower rank represents a better position
Webometrics ranking Evolution of best placed Romanian universities in Webometrics hierarchy Note: good ranking of technical universities since January 2009
Web rankings
Consistency & security problems Trojan Clicker.html virus threat hapter= http:// hapter= Infects php applications – moodle calendars, blogs, forums, galleries by fraudulously inserting into the page source (tens to) hundreds of external links, in most cases invisible, void or automatically generated Fraudulous increase in the number of external links for some academic institutions with tens / hundred thousands external links / week ! Distorsion of visibility ranking!
BBU main website
BBU Admission web site
BBU Students web site
BBU International students web site
BBU News
BBU academic extensions
Development directions Increasing the webometrics visibility indicator by activating international cooperations, as well as academic and public partnerships; Continuing to increase the webometrics size indicator by including all BBU chairs, research centres, institutes and academic extensions within BBU domain Implemented measures: websites for conferences –, grants –, institutes –, academic extensions –
Development directions Continuing to increase the webometrics size & rich files indicators by taking advantage of the decentralized structure of BBU website: developing web sites at all BBU levels – faculties, centres, institues, chairs; developing the conferences, research projects, international programs web sites within domain; posting relevant information files on these websites; Developing staff web sites Continuing to increase the scholar indicator by extending the publication of BBU’s research activity in internationally recognized journals and publishing houses, indexed in scientific databases
Conclusions Adaptation to organization’s goals – BBU specific features Web sites evaluation tools Traffic analysis & feed-back monitoring Web rankings & criteria Webometrics criteria Size, visibility, rich files, scholar Ranking accuracy ensurance Strategies for ranking improvement