Webometrics ranking of web resources of Russian research institutes Designed by Irina Kosinets
Scientometrics is the science of measuring and analyzing science. The main goals: to give an objective picture and perspectives of scientific trends; to estimate their applicability. Webometrics is one of new approaches to ranking.
International ranking SCImago ( ) QS-THES ( ) ARWU ( ) Cybermetrics Lab (research.webometrics.info)
Goals of ranking The objective is not to evaluate websites, their design or usability or the popularity of their contents according to the number of visits or visitors. Web indicators are considered as proxies in the correct, comprehensive, deep evaluation of the university global performance, taking into account its activities and outputs and their relevance and impact. These goals are reasonable not only for universities but for research centers too.
Russian Research Centers need their own ranking web and we are creating it.
Why did we decide to create our own system for ranking? In our opinion, Cybermetrics Lab uses techniques for obtaining values of indicators which are not suitable for the ranking Web (Webometrics) of Russian research centers.
What is not suitable for Russian Research centers? Remark 1. Investigations of Cybermetrics Lab are based on Google and other searching systems (search engines) which are widely used in Europe, the USA. The most popular searching system in Russia is Yandex. It is not taken into account by Cybermetrics Lab.
Remark 2. Selection of units for evaluation According to Cybermetrics Lab methodology the domain names of official research centers sites are the units for assessment. This approach is frequently not suitable for the investigation of the Russian academic web space and the sites of research centers. In fact, the rules for choosing domain names in Russia and other countries are different.
Remark 3. Ranking criterion The validity of such ranking criterion used by Cybermetrics Lab as weighting of web- indicators is not obvious for us.
Weighting of Indicators INDICATORMEANINGCOVERAGESOURCEWEIGHT IMPACTNumber of back links Number of back domains Current (Historical) Majestic SEO ahrefs 50% PRESENCENumber of webpages(all) CurrentGoogle20% OPENNESSNumber of papers(pdf, doc, docx, ppt) Google Scholar 15% EXCELLENCENumber of papers in the 10% top cited Scimago15%
Web ranking of Russian research centers The project is supported by Russian Foundation for Humanities. Carried out by IAMR of the Karelian Research Centre of the RAS with collaboration of the Petrozavodsk university. Scientific advisor – Pechnikov Andrey Main goal – creation of information system for Web ranking of Russian Research Centers. Site -
Methodology: 1. to create the target set of sites of Russian research centers; 2. to form a set of units for analysis; 3. to retrieve data from web sites which belong to the target set using Web scraping (web harvesting or web data extraction) - a computer software technique of extracting information from websites; 4. to collect and evaluate web-indicators; 5. to create the Ranking Web of Russian research centers.
Definitions An initial set is a set of official sites which belong to Russian Research Centers. A target set is a set of investigated sites, identified by unique domain names, given by a direct enumeration.
Group rank Total rank Russian Academy of sciences Research Center Indicators SYSY SGSG VY VY VGVG RYRY RGRG R Sc 12Siberian Branch Ural Branch Far Eastern Branch Indexes Y – Yandex G – Google Sc - Scholar sizevisibilityrich files More detailes
Reliable ranking is only possible if the web presence is a real mirror of a research center.
Project site
Questions and notes are welcome Pechnikov Andrey – Leading Research Associate in the Laboratory for Telecommunications Systems Institute of Applied Mathematical Research Kosinets Irina – senior teacher in the Department of Software (Petrozavodsk University)
Thank you for attention!