WHAT – WHERE – WHEN – WHY – HOW Inside Out Angela Kocher WEBSITES
WHY A WEBSITE? You are driving along and you see this billboard…
WHY A WEBSITE? You remember your old buddy, Bill, wants to volunteer. You decide to call and tell him about RSVP. Can you remember the phone numbers? How about the address? Now what about the website?
INSIDE OUT OF WEBSITES How do I get a Website? Where do I get a Domain Name? Basic Website Information Tools used in building website Additional Resources
HOW DO I GET A WEBSITE? Just starting… FREE site hosting. Yahoo has Geocities Angelfire.com Comcast/Verizon (Internet Service Provider) Google for more….
WHERE DO I GET MY DOMAIN NAME? Domain Names are purchased/hosted at: Hostway.com Aplaus.net Brinkster.com Network Solutions Google for more info/pricing…
BASIC WEBSITE INFORMATION What is HTML? What is xHTML? What is URL? How to connect page
WHAT IS HTML HyperText Markup Language. Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of WWW/html. Language used to write web pages. Describes web page's content/structure. HTM and HTML are regarded the same. Index page is usually stored as.html.
WHAT IS xHTML There isn't much difference from HTML. Need to use proper language tags.
Uniform Resource Locator (2 Parts) Global address of www documents/resources. First part is protocol identifier Indicates what protocol to use (ftp:/ Second part is called a resource name Specifies the IP address/domain name where resource located. WHAT IS A URL
Examples: 2 URLS for ftp:// Fetches executable file using ftp:// protocol Used to upload/download sites Free Programs WS_FTPLE or CoreFTP Fetches web page using protocol
HOW TO CONNECT PAGE Connect page to Search Engine Connect to ISP Connect two pages together
HOW TO CONNECT PAGE CONNECT TO SEARCH ENGINE Basic HTML in a Web Page… Page title Your visible content goes here...
HOW TO CONNECT PAGE CONNECT TO ISP HTML page - add.html to end of title. FTP usually recognized index.html as the home/default page FTP distinguishes uppercase/lower case Save all files in lowercase.
HOW TO CONNECT PAGE CONNECT TO ANOTHER PAGE The anchor tag has a couple of uses Main use is to create hyperlinks. tag & closing tag for click able target. href attribute to the opening tag (href stands for "hypertext reference"). Example: contact us Tells tag where to link.
TOOLS USED TO BUILD SITE The Domain Name ( Heading or Tag in the
TOOLS USED TO BUILD SITE Key Word Density Checker Contain Information to be found Key Word Density Analyzer Tool Analyze the density/distribution of keywords Check Ranking Tools Enter URL to see where your site is positioned Site map generator Helps build a site map for search engine
TOOLS USED TO BUILD SITE Search Engines see HTML: Engines read from top to bottom left to right. They are more partial to black on white text The higher your searched word falls on the page The more likely your page is going to be found. Alt Tags should all be completed with text.
TOOLS USED TO BUILD SITE Flash and JavaScript is good in design Keep to minimum when wanting to be found The longer it takes your site to load The lower your ranking. The more images, flash and JavaScript Farther text is down on page Will affect ranking. Google….. for free Optimization Tools…
TOOLS USED TO BUILD SITE Ask for outside links to your site Show your website on other sites and hard copies such as mail. Design in black and white on paper before you upload live. Ask others how they look for your site. YOU DO HAVE TO SUBMIT YOUR SITE TO SEARCH ENGINES.
TOOLS USED TO BUILD SITE Ask for outside links to your site Submit directly to site NOT through an online service. May be considered unaccredited. Resource sites such as news articles.
TOOLS USED TO BUILD SITE Five seconds to gain the interest on site. Some pointers to keep in mind: People skim not read They make fast decisions Will not wait to look at picture Driven by their goals not ours Remember the “you” factor Don’t decorate-- communicate
TOOLS USED TO BUILD SITE Golden Rule: Everything that goes into your website must have a purpose. GIGO –Garbage in Garbage Out.
WHEN DO I UPDATE? The more you update your site –Websites sees it as creditable. Freshen your site as much as possible –Keep all information updated. The longer you renew your domain on your host –the more accredited. May loose ranking if site is down. More important to renew site than update search engine.
WHAT IF I DON’T KNOW HTML Programs such as Front Page and Adobe Go Live –to help develop a website. Helps to know a little html –How search engines find your site –What they see. To view the html on site: –view source within internet browser.
RESOURCES Htmlgoodies.com Geocities.com Webdesignfromscratch.com\ Google webmaster tools