My Town
About About a small town near Prešov 5,000 inhabitants occupied since the middle Paleolithic age the first written mention of Veľký Šariš – 1217 The coat of arms The flag
Šariš castle built in the half of the 13th century a residence of the kings after Tatar invasions - a new stone castle after battle by Rozhanovce - once again king’s property from 1436 to belonged to family Perenyovci last owner - the family Rakociovci from a property of the town Veľký Šariš
one of the biggest castle complexes in Slovakia the first written mention – year 1245 the hill inhabited in Palaeolithic era in the present times - many plans for preservation and restoration
Šariš Brewery first beer in the middle ages about 73 houses - a right to brew the beer hop – plants the largest brewery in Slovakia the first litres of Šariš beer - May 26, 1967 the dark beer Šariš 11% - the most popular
Products of Šariš Brewery
„Mlinska džurka“ a steam locomotive in the area of railway station made in 1882 historical price the oldest steam locomotive in Slovakia
Famous inhabitants Puki Mayor R. Oros Castle goats Ján Čerkala- executive head of Šariš Brewery