Consider the following facts According to a report on combating alcohol abuse from Georgetown University in Washington D.C.: “The Task Force of the National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [USDHHS], 2002) reported that 1,400 student deaths, 70,000 sexual assaults, 500,000 injuries, 600,000 assaults by fellow drinking students, 400,000 students having unprotected sex, and more than 100,000 being too intoxicated to know if they consented to having sex occur each year as a result of the use/abuse of alcohol by U.S. college students” (Riley, 2005, p. 202).
Binge Drinking What is it ? Its consuming 3 or more beverages in a single sitting. The effects of alcohol on the body can be damaging and affect us in normal everyday activities. As a result they engage in a cycle of use, abuse and negative behavior that only begets and repeats itself during their time in school.
Health Effects of Drinking How does it affect you ? Alcohol abuse ranks among the most common and severe environmental hazards to human health. The most important disease groups are called AUDs, which include alcohol dependence and alcohol abuse.
Health Effects of Drinking Approximately 18.4 million people die dying from AUDs with disability yearly. Alcohol consumption is a factor in the following diseases, physical disabilities, infectious diseases, cancer, diabetes, neuropsychiatic, cardiovascular disease, liver and pancreas disease and intentional and unintentional injury.
Alcohol and GPA Students from a northeastern U.S. Liberal Arts college were surveyed. After looking at the results found by Wood, Perkins, (2007) he noticed that the increased alcohol consumption correlated to decreased students grade point averages would drop.
North Eastern Liberal Arts Study Perkins surveyed 754 students on how many drinks they had a night and how that affected GPA. The average was 5.72 drinks a night. Cumulative GPA among males decreased by.244 in just one semester. While GPA among athletes decreased by.071.
Kristin S. Vickers Survey A study done by Kristin S. Vickers proves that binge drinking decreases the chance of academic success. 412 women were surveyed on a college campus 61% of the women surveyed admitted to binge drinking at least once a week. 80 of the women students who did not binge drink for two weeks were able to keep a 3.0 GPA or higher. 130 of women who did not binge drink were able to keep a GPA over the two weeks. The more the students would binge drink in a two week span, the lower the numbers would be to keep a 3.0 GPA or higher.
More Effects of Binge Drinking According to 25% report in academic consequences such as missing class, fall behind, do poorly on exams and papers, receive lower grades overall Drinking reduces the number of hour spent studying among college students In 1960 the average student studied 24 hours a week. Now the average student studies 7.2 hours a week.
More Effects of Binge Drinking It is estimated that 40% of academic problems are due to drinking in college and 29% dropout cases.
Purpose To research population of Rowan University students who consume alcohol and the effects of binge drinking.
Methods Study sample: 100 Rowan University students Instrumentation: Questionnaire, Qualitative and Quantitative Procedures: Distributed in either classes or sporting events Data Analysis: Scales, Descriptive statistics, Averages, Qualitative Questions broken into themes
Research Questions 1. What are the negative effects college students experience from drinking alcohol? 2.What population of students on the campus of Rowan University are most likely to drink alcohol? 3.When are Rowan students most likely to drink? 4. What are some reasons behind alcohol usage among Rowan University students?
Results Males: 48% Females: 52% 90% were between 18 years old to 22 years old 41% were athletes 31% participates in Greek Life
Results 89% Of Rowan students surveyed consume alcohol Drinkers 1-2 days2-3 days4-5 days drinks4-6 drinks7-9 drinks 10+ drinks
Results If you have ever been "drunk", how did you feel the next day? Shitty, terrible, horrendous, good, fine, hung-over, Good as long as I wake up to a hot chick, Beat, Gnarly Headache