A RTHRITIS AND THE D OSHAS Steffany Moonaz, PhD, RYT-500
W HAT IS A D OSHA ? Concept from Ayurveda Three bodily humors that make up constitution Health results from balance between 3 doshas Individual constitution is unique combination of all 3, like a fingerprint Usually one dominates Set of physical, mental, emotional characteristics
V ATA Definition: wind, to move, flow, direct the processes of, or command drying, cooling, light, agitating, and moving Air and Ether (Space) Vata governs movement in the body, the activities of the nervous system and the process of elimination.
V ATA C HARACTERISTICS thin, light frame excellent agility energy comes in bursts sudden bouts of fatigue dry skin and hair cold hands and feet sleep lightly digestion can be sensitive excitement new experiences quick to anger Quick to forgive energetic Creative take initiative lively conversation
V ATA I MBALANCE Worried Tired, yet can't relax Fatigue, poor stamina Nervous Can't concentrate Anxious, fearful Agitated mind Impatient Antsy or hyperactive Spaced out Self-defeating Shy, insecure Restless Cannot make decisions Weight loss, under weight Insomnia Generalized aches, sharp pains Arthritis, stiff, painful joints Agitated movement Very sensitive to cold Nail biting Rough, flaky skin Chapped lips Fainting spells Heart palpitations Constipation Intestinal bloating, gas Belching, hiccups Dry, sore throat Dry eyes
B ALANCING V ATA Regular routine (ie. Eat and sleep) Rest Regulate impulses Relaxed, moderate exercise Meditation, deep relaxation Associate with calm people
P ITTA Water and Fire Transformation and balance (fire burns water, water puts out fire) controls digestion, metabolism, and energy production Those with a predominance of the Pitta principle have a fiery nature that manifests in both body and mind.
P ITTA C HARACTERISTICS medium size, weight excellent digestion warm body temp sleep soundly, short strong sex drive lustrous complexion abundant energy strong appetite powerful intellect strong ability to concentrate good decision makers teachers, speakers Precise sharp-witted Direct outspoken
P ITTA I MBALANCE Angry Irritable Hostile Enraged Destructive Impatient Critical of self/others Argumentative Aggressive Bossy, controlling Bad breath Sour body odor Sensitive to heat Hot flashes Skin rashes Boils Bloodshot eyes Acne Weakness due to low blood sugar Acidity, heartburn Stomach ulcer Fitful sleep Disturbing dreams Diarrhea Food allergies Reckless Frustrated Willful Fevers Night sweats
B ALANCING P ITTA Avoid alcohol, tobacco Avoid overwork, overexertion, overheating Pure and moderate lifestyle Avoid conflicts Cool emotions
K APHA Water and Earth Stirring force to keep water and earth from separating governs the structure of the body The primary function of Kapha is protection.
K APHA C HARACTERISTICS calm thoughtful loving enjoy life comfortable with routine loyal patient Steady supportive strong build excellent stamina Thick hair sleep soundly regular digestion weight gain fluid retention
K APHA I MBALANCE Sluggish thinking Dull thinking Groggy all day Apathetic, no desire Depressed Sad Sentimental Slow to comprehend Slow to react Procrastinating Lethargy Clingy, hanging on to people/ideas Greedy Possessive Materialistic Sleeping too much Tired in the morning Drowsy during the day Weight gain, obesity Congestion in the chest/throat Congestion in the nose/sinuses Nausea Diabetes Hay fever Pale, cool, clammy skin Edema, water retention Bloated feeling Sluggish digestion, food "just sits" in the stomach High cholesterol Aching joints or heavy limbs
B ALANCING K APHA Needs activity and stimulation Daily exercise Seek new experiences Be receptive to useful change
A RTHRITIS Is arthritis strictly a vata condition? What have you noticed? Who are your students? Does this change anything about your approach?