Career centers as an instrument for better universities and industry cooperation National conference on Science and Industry cooperation “VUZPROMEXPO-2013” December 17, 2013
2 slide Content ► Why career management (career centres) topic? ► Career management “version 2.0” ► National career management system development ► Benefits of national career management system
3 slide Why career management (career centres) topic?
4 slide 21st century competences will drive personal, organizational and national competitiveness Learning and Innovation Skills ► Creativity and Innovation ► Critical Thinking and Problem Solving ► Communication and Collaboration ► Scientific and Numerical Literacy Information, Media and Technology Skills ► Information Literacy ► Media Literacy ► ICT (Information, Communications and Technology) Literacy Life and Career Skills ► Flexibility and Adaptability ► Initiative and Self- Direction ► Social and Cross- Cultural Skills ► Productivity and Accountability ► Leadership and Responsibility Interdisciplinary Themes ► Global Awareness ► Financial, Economic, Business and Entrepreneurial Literacy ► Civic Literacy ► Health Literacy ► Environmental Literacy 21ST CENTURY COMPETENCES TECHNICAL COMPETENCES
5 slide Although the reality shows that many young people are lacking necessary skills Source: International Labour Organisation: McKinsey Education and Employment survey (2012)
6 slide Career Management: What is it? WHAT I WANT? WHAT I CAN? WHAT IS NEEDED? It helps people to answer important questions… … make decisions, plan own career pathway, as well as, enables purposefully seek education and professional goals HOW? Throughout career management services: ► Self-knowledge and career competencies’ assessment services ► Career counseling services ► Career management competencies’ development services ► Career information services ► Employability services
7 slide Career Management: How it works? EDUCATION SYSTEM LABOUR MARKET Having a plan and constant advice Primary school University Institution of vocational education Secondary school Kinder garden College Life long learning Knowing what is possible Having a target
8 slide Universities and employers cooperation challenges result in job market disbalance Lack of market data on workforce demand and supply Not sufficient students awareness about real job market situation and employers’ needs Lack of job market information Slowly adjusting higher education programmes Quality of studies not meeting demands of the “customers” Mismatch between higher education programmes and employers’/ students needs Disproportions in acquired and need professional qualifications Brain drain due to lack of employment opportunities Job market disbalance
9 slide Career management “version 2.0”
10 slide Government vs Institutional (university) vs Institutions network initiative Who is driving career management topic?
11 slide Student/ Graduate Career management model Career opportunities services Career development services Career consulting services Career evaluation services Career management specialist Job and internship search Remote use of services Independent use of services Services at career center Potential employees search Job offers preparation Graduate career monitoring Services for organizations Services provided by career management specialist Independent use of services Organization representative Career management specialist
12 slide Career management model components ► Career management system vision, strategy and concept ► Qualified personnel ► Partnerships ► Content of career management services (methodologies, learning programs, tools, tests) & services ► Processes and resources ► ICT for career management and monitoring
13 slide Career services are executed in different ways ► Formal career education programs ► Are awarded with study credits ► Organized as optional course (with some exceptions) ► Or integrated into standard study programme ► Practiced in Finland, Portugal, UK, US, Slovenia, Estonia, etc.) ► Informal career education courses ► Are not awarded with credits ► Organized as extra curriculum ► Typically – specific trainings ► Practiced in France, Poland, Malta, Latvia, Denmark ► Career consultation ► Group or individual ► Short term or long term ► Personal or distant (ICT) ► Practiced in most of the countries. ► Work tasters ► Short term internship ► Used for initial gathering of experience ► Mostly practiced in United Kingdom, Germany. ► Other ► Career fairs Career education organizationCareer services provision
14 slide Various career competencies models are adopted in different countries National Career Development Association has developed National career development guidelines, which covers 3 key groups of career management competencies: Self- awareness, Exploring career opportunities and Career planning. The career management competencies are detailed and adopted for 4 different age group from early childhood to adult education. In total there are 12 career management competencies. United states Career management competencies model consists of 4 domains of career management competencies: Self-awareness domain, Exploring career opportunities domain, Career planning domain, Career Implementation domain. This domains are further detailed into concrete skills, knowledge and attitudes. In total there are 15 career management competencies. Lithuania Career management competencies model consists of 3 key groups of career management competencies: Personal management, Learning and work exploration, Career building. Each competency in the model is expanded across four developmental phases. Model identifies performance indicators for each competency at each developmental phase. In total there are 11 career management competencies. Australia
15 slide Career competencies sample Self-awareness domain Becoming aware of the personal factors important for career Exploring the influence of lifespan development on career Exploring career opportunities domain Collection, assessment and use of career information Exploring global and local social, economic and technological trends and drawing the personal implications Exploring work opportunities and drawing the personal implications Exploring learning opportunities Career planning domain Creation of a broad and adaptable career vision Career decision-making Career project planning Career Implementation Domain Management of the learning process Job search process management Personal resource management Securing/maintaining a workplace Maintaining balanced life and work roles Management of career changes
16 slide Building career management system
Page 17 1.Careermanagement system concept and strategy 2.Qualifiedpersonnel 3.Necessary partnerships (internships, etc.) 4.Contentof career management services (methodologies, learning tools, tests) 6.Processesand resources 5.ICTfor career management 7.Monitoringof career management system Primary school University Institution of vocational education Secondary school Kinder garden College Life long learning Prerequisites for career management system establishment Approach to national career management system establishment
Page 18 Approach to national career management system establishment, cont WP1. Career management maturity analysis and development road map preparation WP3. Preparation of content for career management system implementation WP4. Enabling education sector staff to provide career management services WP5. Career management and monitoring information system development and implementation WP6. Testing of National career management system with pilot education institutions WP2. Preparation of new career management system concept and creation of a legal framework for career management system implementation WP7. National rollout of national career management system Years * Highly depends of selected approach and education sectors included in the program
Page 19 Key benefits
Page 20 Key benefits At country’s level career management: ► is bridging the gap from employability to employment ► is contributing to managing the balance between competences supply and labour market demand ► decreases structural unemployment ► increases country’s growth and competitiveness At school/university’s level career management: ► is increasing prestige of the university/school ► increases points devoted by international universities evaluations initiatives ► provides feedback to university, which can be employed by improving university’s management, study programs and etc At the student or graduate level career management: ► ensures better students’ ir graduates’ decision making ► ensures better fulfillment, growth and financial stability of graduates life
Page 21 ► Presentation of the call for proposals ► Objectives ► Eligible activities ► Indicators ► Eligible expenditure ► Developing the project approach Thank you. Questions?